Wednesday, October 7, 2020

HEGEMONY - Enthroned by Persecution review


HEGEMONY - Enthroned by Persecution

Hells Headbangers Records

HEGEMONY is a three piece act hailing from Alabama but you can be forgiven if you thought they were a Finnish blackened death band. Yeah I was shocked, shocked I say, when I learned that. But always remember, when you see the Hells Headbangers logo on the back of a release you just buy it. You know it's going to be extreme.

This release is good if you're into a low-fi filth ridden sounding crud, which obviously I am. I know I mentioned the Finnish connection but I'd also add a hint of Columbian blackened death squad sounds. Oh so fitting since this band from the states comes from the deep south. 

Musically this debut album is relentless in it's brutal sound. The maniacal drum work leads the way through most of their cuts. The riffs are full on deranged passages which follow the drumming. Once in a while the bass sounds come in to be diabolical. And of course the vocals are cavernous/bestial. 

Listening to Enthroned by Persecution is as if they're about to be set on fire if they don't please a tyrannical ruler set upon by psychotic fantasies of grandeur. I've got some friends down in Alabama, hopefully who survived the hurricane. I'm gonna ask them about this band.


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