Monday, June 17, 2024

CHRIST DENIED - Christopsy review


CHRIST DENIED - Christopsy 

Xtreem Music

They're Back! Yes Spain's most brutal Death Metal band returns with a new album after a decade of silence. Well there is also AVULSED but anyways. I got CHRIST DENIED's Cancer Eradication CD back in 2013, also on Xtreem Music, and was totally floored by this four piece extreme act. I mean this is a style of Death Metal which can be abrasive even to DM fans. But done right it is incredible. CHRIST DENIED are one of those bands that hits perfection. 

After all of these years Dave Rotten (who's in AVULSED and runs Xtreem Music by the way) still has the most morbid insufferable vocals around. Roger Infected (from INFECTED FLESH) is still around on guitars and other stuff. But the newbies to this band are drummer Fabio Ramirez (formerly in INTERNAL SUFFERING) who joined in 2017. He's a fuckin amazing drummer to say the least. Also there's bassist Roger P who joined in 2015. All around this line-up is the most punishing ever. 

The insanity of the riffs by Roger Infected, which have that crunchy Boss-2 HM pedal sound, add to the blatant brutal attack upon your senses. I'm smiling right now and I can't help it. Nothing is the boring run of the mill here which some Brutal DM acts, especially some of my US bands, tend to do half the time. Be that as it may CHRIST DENIED rule. Nine cuts plus they end this release with a cover of CRYPTOPSY's "Mutant Christ". Hell Fuckin Yeah! Yes this one of the best albums of 2024.


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