Thursday, July 18, 2024

ANGEL MASSACRE - Worshipped in Vain review


ANGEL MASSACRE - Worshipped in Vain

Self Released

Everyone loves a local especially since, according to the opening intro to this album, the wrath of Satan has no mercy. Yes we're talking about some black fuckin metal from North Carolina. Now let me mention that around fifteen years ago you had a few hipster acts that played around with the whole black metal idea. But obviously they were laughed at so it's cool to me that we have real black metal acts here in the South. 

Now ANGEL MASSACRE are not new to the scene. The band, who hail from Gastonia, North Carolina (I wonder if they like ANTISEEN?) started out in 2006. To their credit they've released a handful of demos, an EP, a debut full length and now this their second full length. Their first full length, Blood of the Fallen Angels, came out in 2021. So basically we're talking about some veterans of the scene. 

Musically ANGEL MASSACRE are about as original as wearing a black T-shirt at a metal show. Now that's not a slag against em. It's 2024 people so what is original in black metal except for stupid sounding acts riding on the black metal banner. To be honest ANGEL MASSACRE sound like the love Swedish black metal. On this release they sound like a blend of MARDUK, DARK FUNERAL and DISSECTION. Ah yeah the big three of Swedish BM. Albeit the production on here, along with the cover artwork of the release, are low-fi. 

But in the end this is a pretty raw sounding rip your head off and hail Satan type of release. I'll bet they're incredible live and they probably played a show downtown on a weeknight and I missed em. What you have on here is amazing horrific vocal screams, great fuckin riffs and damm good song structures which would make some 90's BM vet say "Hey that's my riff". 

Whatever the case ANGEL MASSACRE on this their second full length are something for the still breathing KVLT types in the BM scene. As for me I've got too many 90's era black metal releases that are so cool sounding that no new band repeating em will impress me. ANGEL MASSACRE are a cool sounding BM act and I'd love to see em live. Overall this release falls into the decent category. 


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