Thursday, May 23, 2024

TAIVAL - Journey To Beyond review


TAIVAL - Journey To Beyond

Wolfspell Records

Well this is definitely a journey to the dark past. TAIVAL are a four piece black metal act from Finland. Musically on this their debut full length the band is not completely in the whole old school necro filth which Finnish BM was known for back in the day. They run the gambit of melody as well as the depressive atmospheric stuff. 

There's no surprise on that latter point since two members of TAIVAL (their vocalist who goes by the name O and their guitarist / bassist who goes by the name J) were once in a depressive BM act called ALL ALONE. Why am I not shocked? Anyways these two guys hooked up with brothers (J. Norvik on drums and K. Norvik on keyboards) to form TAIVAL. 

Actually I like what I'm hearing here. I like how their use of the keyboards is either a supplement to a song's structure or it's a defining moment to a cut. The guitar riffs are plain BM playing with the patented hornet's next sound quality. On a couple of cuts the tremolo runs are good. The drum work is basic. I think O is the star here with his harsh like a man on fire screams. 

Overall this is decent black metal in that it reminds ya of a demo from 1997. The band admits that this was recorded in "the desolate rehearsal basement during the winter of 2023". Obviously they were going for authenticity. I've got five bucks that says this band gets huge at least in the underground BM scene in five years.


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