Monday, June 17, 2024

ILDFAR - Sorrowful Echoes Of Perdition review


ILDFAR - Sorrowful Echoes Of Perdition

Wolfspell Records

So when was the last time you heard some new black metal from Norway that wasn't from an established artist? Yeah I'll wait a few minutes. Times up and in all honesty off the top of my head I cannot name one. But of course here we have the third full length by ILDFAR. Basically this is a one man black metal act. The one man is Favn (aka: Thomas Aamodt) who is responsible for everything as in the vocals, guitars and keyboards. 

While listening to this I obviously got the notion that Favn is an accomplished pianist (check out the instrumentals "Til graven" or "Emptiness") who also likes DARKTHRONE, MAYHEM as well as BURZUM. In other words to be obvious yeah he's into classic early 1990's True Norwegian Black Metal. This is my first listen to his material and I'm like yeah it's a complete throwback to the past. Blast "Kulden som river i mitt sinn" or "Raa og kald" and get dragged back into a tremolo picked guitar frenzy. Add to that Favn's aggro yet harsh vocal style. 

"We Fall" is probably my favorite cut on this release. It's the longest cut on here with a run time of just over eight minutes. It packs in the full aggressive nature plus harsh atmosphere all at once. Most of the songs on Sorrowful Echoes Of Perdition (there's ten cuts in all) run in the three plus to five minute range. I like how Favn's song writing style doesn't linger on into repetitive boredom. In the end yeah musically it's familiar territory being traveled but I cannot deny it's appeal for someone who's not entirely against the idea of reviving something cool.


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