Monday, June 17, 2024

HELLBUTCHER - Self Titled review



Metal Blade Records

Well with a name like HELLBUTCHER with song titles like "Hordes of the Horned God", "Possessed by the Devil's Flames" and "Satan's Power" then it has to be good right? Well it better because this is NIFELHEIM 2.0 to be totally honest. Now before I go into this one there's a little history to put forth. NIFELHEIM were / are a Swedish black metal act who were OK when it came to their handful of releases in the late 90's. I always thought their debut self titled full length from 1995 was their best work.  

But here we have HELLBUTCHER which consists of vocalist Hellbutcher (of NIFELHEIM). There's drummer Devastator formerly of NIFELHEIM. Guitarist Necrophiliac has not been involved with NIFELHEIM nor has their other guitarist Iron Beast. I think he plays in UNLEASHED. Their bassist Eld is also in AETERNUS. I wouldn't call this a super group because metal musicians from Scandinavian nations play in multiple bands any ways.

Be that as it may this is a damm good sounding debut of blackened thrash. I mean first and foremost the guitar lead work is fuckin amazing. You pair that up with some ferocious drum work plus very exciting riffs and yeah it's good. The vocals are harsh like sung by someone with a burnt throat. Strangely enough the band injects some melody though out their eight cuts. Hell there's even some galloping MAIDEN influence. 

In the end ah hell yeah this is a good sounding about performed by a bunch of extreme music vets having a good ole time. But the obvious point in my not so humble opinion is that HELLBUTCHER's sound is very mainstream accessible. I will not be surprised seeing mainstream metal types, who never owned a NIFELHEIM release, praising this out the wazoo.


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