Tuesday, June 18, 2024

MORGUE - Close To Complete Darkness review


MORGUE - Close To Complete Darkness

Godz ov War Productions

So there's a lot to say here and I'll just do the best I can. MORGUE are a death metal band who hail from France. They're a two piece act consisting of Jerome Blandino on bass and Max Lobier who takes care of the guitars, vocals and drums. By the way they're also in another death metal band called CORRUPTER. Anyways MORGUE has been around since the late 1990's. They've got a slew of releases out whether it's short form stuff, splits, full lengths as well as a compilation. 

From 1997 to 2004 the band was pretty steady but then just stopped. It wasn't until 2016 where they came back with a new full length. But after that more silence until 2022 with their Lowest Depths of Misery full length which came out on Godz ov War Productions. By the way that's the album which got me into this French duo of destruction. Now as much as I liked that release this one, their fifth full length, is better. 

What I like about MORGUE is simply that they remind me of some other acts from years ago who are boring now. That's not to say that MORGUE are copying anyone. I mean sound-wise on this one you've got part Finnish death doom (think HOODED MENACE) plus some Swedish DM crunch (I'd say GRAVE) all churning in a filthy stew of hate, filth and gore. Personally I think this album rules. I'd say for three quarters of it you the listener are being brutalized. But yeah there's some atmospheric touches and even some melody. Basically MORGUE takes the influences, grinds em through their own diabolical process and blasts it throughout a cavern of hate.


Let me add this, the riffs are diabolical, the vocals are of that cavernous style and hey the drum work is fucking amazing. You've got thirty plus minutes of sustained audio carnage which to me, especially late at night, works well especially after a night at work listening to 70's AOR crap. Like I said earlier, this album rules! Also the album cover art (album cover art of the year by Paolo Girardi) matches the music. Nuff Said!




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