Thursday, May 23, 2024

ATTIC - Return of the Witchfinder review


ATTIC - Return of the Witchfinder

Van Records

In all honesty (and if you are a regular reader of this blog then you know I'm honest as the day is long) I learned about this German five piece band earlier this year. I'll give props to a favorite Youtube channel of mine for recommending them. But just for the record ATTIC started out in 2010, released their first demo in 2012 and now we have their third full length. And yeah I haven't heard their two previous albums. 

So whats cool about ATTIC? Well if you give this one listen then you'll believe that this band is the musical reincarnation of early MERCYFUL FATE. I mean vocalist Meister Cagliostro is a dead ringer for King Diamond. But as far as the songs go ah yeah it's also a reminder of the Hank Shermann and Michael Denner guitar era. The songs are haunting, sometimes there's an added MAIDEN-esque galloping rhythm thrown in along with some black metal touches. I do like all of the songs on here but the final cut "Synodus Horrenda" is an amazing opus. But anyways this is just an amazing album period end of story. 

Then again OK it's MERCYFUL FATE worship so why should you check it out? Well honestly I hate bands who are carbon copies of others. AC/DC worship bands are the worst. But I listen to this and think well King Diamond hasn't come out with anything new in a while. I'm a huge MERCYFUL FATE fan and here we have a new band that's taking something we all know and continued on where it left off. 

With that all said I believe ATTIC's Return of the Witchfinder album will be played a lot by me this year and I've got to get their early stuff.


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