Thursday, May 23, 2024

NECROT - Lifeless Birth review


NECROT - Lifeless Birth


NECROT are (in my not so humble opinion) one of the better (if not the best) new school US death metal bands today. The reason is simple and it's not hype. Since their debut Blood Offerings which came out in 2017 they've broken out and created damm good death metal which hearkens to the past but doesn't dwell there as if they're copycats. Their second album, Mortal from 2020, was just fuckin amazing. I mean that was my favorite album of that year. So does this Oakland, California keep it going on their third try? Ah well hell yeah.


Lifeless Birth is a notch up (or below if you prefer) in the diabolical sound of this band's progression from starting out with hardcore influences (listen to their demos) to pure old school death metal with cool soloing by Sonny Reinhardt that's more rhythm at times but does attack from above slices. Luca Indrio's bass playing is solid and his vocals are a standout as far as being deep sounding and hateful. Add in Chad Gailey as an damm good drummer with his work on here, to much triggers aside. 

On Lifeless Birth the band shows some obvious progression without losing what was great about in the past. The song structures on here display a varied guitar riff pattern with bass line accompaniment that deviates from standard groove. It's like the early days of tech death minus the insanity. I mean sure you can bang your head and start a slam pit to the sounds of this one. But for me this is an intense sounding piece of work that grabs for solid attention.

I've listened to Lifeless Birth around a dozen times in the past couple of weeks. Each listen I find something more cool about it. They're coming to my town in a month or so which will be my first time seeing em. I'm psyched about that and prepared to blow some cash on merch. Be that as it may NECROT newest album is obviously their best. It's an all out captivating listen.


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