Saturday, August 31, 2024

ADORIOR - Bleed on My Teeth review


ADORIOR - Bleed on My Teeth

Dark Descent Records

For those of you who don't know (and you probably don't). ADORIOR were a cool blackened death / thrash band from England back in the late 1990's. What was great about em, obviously their sound was cool as fuck, is that they had this female vocalist named Jaded Lungs (aka: Melissa Gray). Her vocals were filth ridden hate pure and simple. But it was her singing style as in cursing and just roaring in a harsh scream or spoken wording over the music which was unique. 

The band were sporadic when it came to putting stuff out. I have their two previous full lengths; Like Cutting the Sleeping from 1998 and Author of Incest from 2005. They do have handful of splits out but I'm waiting for the compilation. Be that as it may I'm guessing the reason they are sporadic on releases is that they care about perfection. 

As of now Jaded Lungs (aka: Melissa Gray) is the only original band member. Along for the ride you've got guitarists S. Assassinator (who joined the band in 2019) and RC (who joined in 2022 as a bassist but now plays guitar). The rhythm section is filled by GRAVE MIASMA members. On drums is D. Molestor who's been in the band since 2001. And you have bassist Tom McKenna who joined ADORIOR last year. 

So with this line-up Jaded Lungs (aka: Melissa Gray) has come away with an intense extreme metal release. Musically the song structures are all over the place when it comes to blackened death with plenty of thrash thrown in. This is extreme metal opera with dive bomb guitar soloing which slice through layers of flesh. There's a bounty of trudging riff styles. A handful of death influenced blackened blast beats. Welcome to controlled chaos via extreme fuckin metal.

The bottom line is that this is now my favorite ADORIOR full length and it took a while to get here. This is extreme metal insanity which will blow you away and demand multiple listens. I just love Jaded Lungs (aka: Melissa Gray) singing over deathly musical chaos.


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