Saturday, August 31, 2024

INTOLERANCE - Waking Nightmares of an Endless Void review


INTOLERANCE - Waking Nightmares of an Endless Void

Godz ov War Productions

This is the second full length by this four piece Death Metal act from the great nation of Spain. Just for the record I thought their debut Dark Paths of Humanity from 2022 was amazing in my not so humble opinion. That release was great but this one is better which is what you want. Their debut showed they knew how to do the genre. On this latest full length INTOLERANCE kick in some charactor that takes em into a cool direction.

As I've always say I don't mind new bands doing the old school ways. But it's far better when the bands inject some personal original ideas into the tried and true genre. INTOLERANCE does that in some cool ways on this release. First off half of this album is some killer chugging riffage then the band kicks down into some death doom. But it's their interpretation which makes things exciting. 

Vocalist / Guitarist Pedro Moscatel comes across sounding like a fuckin neanderthal. Now nothing against neanderthals, I've worked with some. But it sounds like his vocal style has devolved since their debut album. Which is a good thing. I mean the lyric sheet should look like "howls, growls, screams and grunts" on some of these songs. 

Next up is the amazing guitar work by W. Now sure this guy knows him trudging riffs as well as ice pick to the face soloing. But better yet this guy those in some thick toned non extreme metal soloing. Dare I say the guy injects diabolical melody into the realm of dungeon lyre. Once again there's an original take. 

The rhythm section is dynamic. There's fine bass work by J but it's drummer Daniel Berges who shines not only in his classic drum style as far as DM goes. But the way he's so in sync with the guitar melodys. It just shows how close this band is with one another. 

In the end wow I could say a lot of things. Back in 1993 I'd hear something like this and go "This is great! I'm gonna go out and beat somebody up." Nowadays, at 61, it's more like "this is cool but I'll drink a few more beers, make something to eat and then go to bed." But I'll remember this one.


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