Saturday, August 31, 2024

UPON THE ALTAR - Descendants of Evil review


UPON THE ALTAR - Descendants of Evil

Godz ov War Productions

OK so they're a blackened death metal three piece from Poland. This their second full length is called Descendants of Evil. And there's a black and white drawing of a hydra on the cover. So of course you want this one. If you saw this in a record store you would grab it. Of course you would. So can I just stop there? Well I guess not. 

So everything important which I previously mentioned is true. As far as this album goes it starts off as a face ripper with some decent intensity. Opener "Baneful Benediction" and the follow-up "Horror Vacui" just show that this band is fairly well versed in bestial blackened filth. But afterwards the sound structure of this release takes a down turn into the fuckin abyss. It's like the demons arise from the pit, reek havoc and then drag victims into the pit for torture. 

I give kudos to the guitarist who has to have been in some Grindcore / Death Grind band previously. I mean hey the band's from Poland one of the greatest Grindcore nations in the world. But anyways the playing style has a huge hint of grind especially on the solos. And has a nasty cold and cruel tone when it sinks to more icy but slithering blackened tones. 

Speaking of slithering there's the vocals which come across reptilian as hell. It's well fitting since the music constricts the listener. The drum work is adequate overall. But hey the bottom line is that you've got these three guys who are not wearing make-up or wearing costumes and are delivering an album of blackened death evil. Now nothing against the costumed reference. But hey look at these guys.

UPON THE ALTAR's second full length is a worthy standout in a genre full of average. Nuff Said.


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