Friday, September 6, 2024

CASTLE - Evil Remains review


CASTLE - Evil Remains

Hammerheart Records

Here we have the sixth full length by CASTLE and it's been a six year wait. Bias alert, I'm a huge fan of CASTLE. I got into em with their debut full length, In Witch Order, from 2011. And from that point on I was hooked. Their debut and their next two albums are amazing. We're talking cool ass Doom that rocks. Their last two albums I thought were decent.

So after a long wait they're back and this album is better than the last two. First off guitarist Mat Davis is probably one of the best Doom guitarists around. If Tony Iomni is the king of riffs Then Mat Davis is in line for knighthood because he creates his own SABBATH-IAN style riffs and rarely copies. 

Next up is one of the best vocalists and bassists in Doom or just Metal aka: Elizabeth Blackwell. She just has that perfect vocal range as in not over the top, not subtle or airy. Elizabeth Blackwell is a rocker and her vocal performance is exceptional especially on this new one. 

CASTLE are technically a two piece act but they do enlist drum work from people. This time around they've enlisted Mike Cotton a Canadian who balances out the sound with some great work. 

With that all said I think Evil Remains is the threshold where their past two albums were pushing towards. CASTLE on here kick out a damm good sounding album that rocks in their own way. They've reached the summit and this is the CASTLE sound period, not a band influenced by. Then again I always thought they were pushing for their own voice.


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