Thursday, September 19, 2024

HATCHEND - Summer of 69 review


HATCHEND - Summer of 69

Selfmadegod Records

So I'll get the obvious out of the way. Let's give the artist who came up the cover of this release some due. Re-imagining Andy Warhol's famous pop art Marilyn Monroe painting and supplementing Charles Manson's face on to it is interesting. Although if I saw this in a store I'd think it was a punk band release. Also a punk band who thought they were being cute. Then again I might think they're some indie / hiptard band trying to be ironic with the cover and the title. Thankfully there's music involved ahead of it. 

So what we have here is HATCHEND a four piece act from Sweden who are, in their words, a Thrash and Hardcore band. Hey guys ya got plenty of grindcore influence to which is why I gave this a second and third listen. That last listen sealed the deal for me. If anything HATCHEND's goal on this their debut full length is to rip off your head and shit down your neck. That is evident with their violent guitar riff attack and their vocalist who has a sheet metal roar that'll leave scars. 

This eight song album from start to finish is a full on assault to your senses. And not just mine I mean the neighbors dogs started barking and their motion lights went on. Whatafuck? By the way Sweden what happened to Death Metal? Be that as it may yeah this pounds, grinds and also rocks like a 'sumbitch' (that's a Southern US term). HATCHEND also include in their sound some Death n Roll influence which is wild. They're like the sixth band this year I've heard pushing that style and I like it. 

Get this one, blast it at a party and watch as a slam pit erupts in your living room. Who cares if your expensive flat screen TV goes flying out the front window. That'll happen by the third song of course. I can only smile in a sadistic way when I listen to this release. Yeah this one rocks your ass off.


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