Monday, August 19, 2024

SULLY - Self Titled review


SULLY - Self Titled 

Horror Pain Gore Death Productions

If you're a young person than this album will take a few listens to get into. But for older grindcore heads it's fuckin music to our ears. As I always try to point out histirically Grindcore started out from the late 1980's Hardcore scene. Metal picked it up right afterwards. And they've done a great job of expanding the extreme nature of the genre world-wide. But as much as I like the metal era of the genre I always go back to the beginning as a fan. Now not all the way because most of these new punk/HC Grind revival bands blow. But some....  

SULLY, who hail from Rochester New York and have a bunch of music veterans, are doing their best to remember the late 80s / early 90s Grind. Basically you've got guitarist Erik Burke (who use to play in BRUTAL TRUTH for six years). On vocals there's Adam Frappolli who use to be in this Tech-Core band called PSYOPUS. Filling out the rhythm section is Alex Perez on drums and Ed Jusko playing bass. 

Musically SULLY come across fairly interesting as something guitarist Erik Burke knows too well. So basically we're looking at BRUTAL TRUTH - lite. Now I say that because I'm a BRUTAL TRUTH fan at least from the early days. The first time I saw em was in the mid ninties and there was like thirty people in the audience. The second time I saw em there were less then that. The last time I saw em Erik Burke was in the band and there's was at least a hundred people in the audience but at a hall that could fit three hundred. 

And I have to say that the BRUTAL TRUTH releases Erik Burke was playing on were not my faves. So be that as it may this is basically Erik Burke's solo thing. Honestly it's a cool release with twelve cuts that could've been heard on a BRUTAL TRUTH release. The guy has a perfect rhythm section that does an amazing job. The vocals are cool. But it's all about the song structures and that, along with the riff package, which makes this pretty cool. 

But honestly I'm not keen on the name SULLY. I mean it reminds me of a mechanic's name from the 1980's. for example "Hey Sully there's an extra ten in it for ya if the Buick passes inspection, if you know what I mean". Or "Hey Sully I need you to check out my brakes. I almost hit some cocksucker the other day." Or "Hey Sully my tranny is still fuckin up, like my o'l lady. Could you check it out or I'm going down to that (racial slur) place and give him my fuckin business." 

With all of that said I wanna hear their next album because this is a cool start heading in a good direction. SULLY are the future for any old BRUTAL TRUTH fan.


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