Saturday, October 12, 2024



How many of you can say that there's an actual haunted house in the city or town where you live? Well I can and it's half a mile from where I live now. The place is called the Mordecai House and it's one of the finest historic buildings in town. The original portion of the house dates from around 1785. Oh yeah and it's haunted. The ghost that inhabits the house is said to be the spirit of Mary Willis Mordecai Turk, who lived from 1858 to 1937. Witnesses say she appears as an apparition in a grey Nineteenth Century dress. She can occasionally be heard playing the piano in the downstairs drawing room, and visitors to the house have occasionally seen a grey mist hovering near that piano. Also witnesses say they've seen her looking out one of the windows at the top left corner of the house. 

My story, or encounter if you will, happened about eleven years ago. At that time I worked about a mile away. I'd get off of work anywhere between 2:15 and 2:30 AM. Back then I had no problem walking home after work. It was almost a two mile walk which I considered exercise. My trek home would have me going right past the Mordecai House. Now just for the record in my life I have had plenty of experiences with what I'd say is paranormal. I don't know what else to call it. Some experiences were interesting and a few were unnerving to say the least. What I'm about to tell you started out as respecting the interest but ended in something weird. 

Now let me explain the surroundings to give you an idea of what I'm about to describe. As you're walking down the sidewalk right before you come to the Mordecai House property you first pass a funeral home. OK yeah that's weird enough. Next you cross an alley enter rence and then you start to pass the property. Now on your right as you walk the brick paved sidewalk is a major street. Even after 2 AM there's still traffic going both ways especially on weekends. On the left side is the Mordecai House property. Left of the brick paved sidewalk is a line of grass. Then there's an old cast iron fence which is about four feet high. Behind it are a variety of shrubs / bushes. Then behind that there's an open grassy area with some picnic tables for visitors and some trees. From there the property slopes upward to the Mordecai House.

So my first encounter happened one night in the mid summer. Now just for the record 99.9% of the time I had never had a problem walking past this house. But at this specific time it was hot / humid. Yeah even at that time in the morning it is still muggy around here. So I'm walking past the house and I get near the end of the property when I just walk through this cold patch. Now the best way I can describe it is as if you're outside in the hot weather and you go into the house which is full blown air conditioning. I walked through it, felt the coldness and continued to walk on. I was back in the muggy humid air once again. Ah yeah I thought that was weird but I just continued home. There was no cool breeze happening. I had just walked through some cold patch of air. I had no explanation for it.

Now I can't give specific dates as to what happened next and when. I'll just say one night after the cold patch incident I was walking past the property. I was about at it's middle point when the bushes to my left moved. Now yeah it surprised me but I thought it was a rabbit that I scared. But the next couple of times it happened I knew there was no scared rabbit. One night I was walking past the house and a little further where I thought a rabbit moved the bushes previously some bushes moved again. Except this time it looked to me as if someone or some thing walked through the bushes but stopped at the fence. So yeah that freaked me out but what would happen next was actually far stranger. 

On another night I was walking past the property and got close to where I felt that cold spot. Now at this point of the property there were some evergreen shrubs which at that time where 6 to 7 foot tall. As I was walking near those shrubs one of them moved. And when I was right next to em it was as if some one was behind em, spread em as if to grab me. I immediately bowed up as if to hit someone. I looked and there was nobody there. I mean I stood there staring and there was nobody behind those bushes. 

So a few weeks went by and while walking home passed the Mordecai House into the Fall season nothing happened. Of cause when I walked passed the place I kept my eyes on those bushes. Now let me explain, about three quarters of the way on the street as your passing the property there's a street light. At the three quarter mark you will see your shadow on the ground as you're walking the sidewalk. Nothing had happened in a while and I was cool with that. But then a night came along which changed things. So I was walking passed the property obviously looking at the bushes as I passed. I did see my shadow on the sidewalk from the street light. I looked at the bushes again and then to my shadow on the sidewalk. Except this time not only did I see my shadow but I also saw another shadow slightly behind me. Let me tell ya I turned around and bowed up ready to punch someone out but there was no one there. I heard a rustling behind me in the shrubs and that was it. 

After that incident I decided a little change was needed. So after that one when I'd walk home at night. Instead of walking past the Mordecai House I'd cross the street before I reached it. sure I still passed the house but had a two lane street between us. So weeks would go by. Fall turned into Winter and we had a bad one that year. I started catching rides home on Friday and Saturday nights as well for the next couple of months. For the three nights walking home it wasn't a problem. Most of the time when I passed the house I'd just glance over across the street and then continue on. But every once in a great while I'd look across the street at the house, the bushes, the fence line and get this feeling as if something was over there watching me. My only recourse was to say "fuck you" as I looked over at it. Basically I was telling the weird stuff to fuck off because you're not gonna get at me anymore. But it wouldn't be long till I realized I was wrong. 

So one night in around Spring time I was on my usual trek home from work and passing the Mordecai House. And it was another one of those times where I felt I was being watched again. Once again I gave it the "fuck you" treatment and went on. I was at least a block down the street past the house when for some reason I stopped to look behind me. I don't why I did it. Honestly I just felt something and decided to look back up the street. A block away behind me I thought I saw a figure on the sidewalk but it moved to disappear in the shadows. I was like OK my eyes are playing tricks  or maybe there's someone else walking down the street at this time at night. Normally it's not a regular thing but yeah once in a while I'll see somebody walking down the street or up it at that late of an hour. So I kept on walking. 

I got more than a block down the street and I turned around again. This time I saw a figure on the sidewalk for a few seconds but then it blended into the trees. It was maybe a block or more away. So now I thinking OK I was getting followed and the person is hiding when I look back. Fine so I pulled my knife out of my work bag and continued on. You wanna try and rob me well that's not going to happen. So the next stretch of sidewalk passed some apartments with the sidewalk lined with oak trees. At the end of the line of those apartments the sidewalk slopped down. So my last look behind me at an advantage was there. So I turned to look and yeah I saw a full figure maybe sixty yards behind me. But again once I saw the outline then it would move to obscurity to the darkness. At that point I was in the open passing a church parking lot. 

I was going down hill and hustling it. Once passed the church I was right by the gas station and I turned around to look one more time. And yeah a block away at the point where the trees were was a figure black amidst the darkness and shadows but still was there. It was a silhouette of a figure. So I then hustled it across the lot of the gas station, walked passed the buildings to the end. There I stopped at the edge to look around the corner because now this figure would have to come into the light. I looked up the road but saw nothing. Then I figured the advantage now was mine plus I wasn't about to ambush the guy. So I ran down the hill, crossed the street to the strip mall and ran behind another building to get another vantage point. Once again my mind said are you nuts? You've got cover and concealment so I ran over the gravel parking lot and on to the street of my neighborhood. I figured I was home free now but unfortunately what welcomed me next was not so cool. 

So when walking into my neighborhood you first cross a bridge and the street for a small stretch is dark. You then come up to a Y in the road. To the right is my street and to the left is another. In-between the streets is an island with a huge Magnolia tree. On this night as I was passing the island I saw a figure there by the tree. There is a street light behind the island but all I could see was a silhouette. So as I walked passed I kept one eye on this figure. I was also thinking that there was no way that whoever was following behind me all that way got in front of me to meet me there. 

So now I was walking up my street keeping one eye behind me to see what was going on. Basically I'm walking up a hill so when I hit the crest that was where I had to turn left onto another street, my street. One last glance down the hill I saw nothing so I kinda bolted up the street. Again I was walking up a slight hill, hit the crest and then it was all down hill to where I lived. In front of the place I lived at, back then, there was a parking lot. I stopped there to look up the street before heading to my door. At the top of the hill where I had just came from I saw a full silhouette  of a figure. The light from a street lamp was behind it. And while I was looking at this figure it would move as if it wasn't solid. 

That was enough high strangeness for me. I walk across the parking lot of the apartment building I lived at of the time with a roommate. I pretty much slam into the front door, I walk right past my roommate who's watching TV in the living room not saying a word. I go into my bedroom and sit next to a window watching through the blinds in the dark. I watched for a little while but then figured wait a minute you're too close to the window. So I backed my chair up and made sure I still had a clear view of the street outside. I sat there staring, waiting for some sign but there was nothing. The next thing I did was go outside to have a smoke on my front porch. Actually I had a couple of smokes and just looked around but I saw nothing. 

To this day I don't have an actual explanation for what happened that night. I do know that afterwards I started taking cab rides home instead of walking. I've moved to another house in the neighborhood which I share with a lady friend. We've had no supernatural experiences in the four years together. Well there was one but.... Anyways I have passed by the Mordecai House late at night since that last weird experience. My answer as I'd walk passed it is now always "Hey How Ya Doin?" 

Nuff Said until the next story......  

Written by Mr. Wolf 


Friday, October 11, 2024

VEILBURNER - The Duality of Decapitation and Wisdom review


VEILBURNER - The Duality of Decapitation and Wisdom

Transcending Obscurity Records

Here we are in early October a month which ends on a day where we're supposed to be scared. I'm talking about Halloween which we celebrate here in the states. It's a month where, at least me, we break out the horror movies and music which is supposed to be representative spirit to the season. But ya know as far as Metal music goes I don't find much of it scary as opposed to maybe decades ago. But once in a great while there will be a band I come across who I wouldn't consider scary but definitely unnerving. 

VEILBURNER is a blackened death metal act who I learned about a few years back when I checked out their fourth full length, A Sire to the Ghouls of Lunacy, from 2018. Now just to be honest what this two piece act from Pennsylvania does with the sub genre of blackened death metal goes far beyond your concepts. These two guys, Mephisto Deleterio (on all instruments) and Chrisom Infernium on vocals, take you on a nightmare journey which you won't like. 

I've followed this band since that 2018 album, all of which have been on Transcending Obscurity Records, and here we are with their seventh full length. Over the cause of time VEILBURNER just keeps pushing the darkness of their sound further to the point where saying they're unnerving just doesn't cut it anymore. Musically on here they're down right frightening. 

I'll start first with the psycho song structures by Mephisto Deleterio. The guy creates these deranged riff patterns that twist and break formation into newer more obscene directions. Once again it's a diabolical style which tears at your core being. Whether he's into a frantic wall of electric static sound or coming up with an atmospheric touch from another dimension. His performance on here is a forgone conclusion to extreme cosmic horror. 

Then of course there's the vocals by Chrisom Infernium who for the most part comes across as a drunken priest suffering from rabbies. I'd say that for the most part when he's yelling at you the listener. But then comes times when he's spilling bile filled diatribes which come across as if he's screaming in your face or your ear. For the most part Chrisom Infernium sounds as if he is possessed by the Devil. So for this type of music on here he's absolutely perfect.

Speaking of perfection I said that about a few previous albums by VEILBURNER. I mean listening to this latest album is like reading Lovecraft. Some people who have read his works stop as if there's a wall to their comprehension to reality. Others go beyond, see it and come back maybe changed as in nuts. But you have people like me who see with great imagination the horror and are not cool with it but except it. 

Welcome to VEILBURNER's new album, play it late at night. Play it with the lights down low. You'll be a convert after one listen.


Monday, October 7, 2024

COMMORION - Purga infernal EP review


COMMORION - Purga infernal EP

Self Release

This one came to me through my FB site. In all honesty I hate when people try to send me stuff through that. It's got that stupid business answer to messages sent in. Secondly I hardly fuck with it aka: once every three months. So this was sent to me in August. Sorry guys but I'm glad to have checked this one out. 

Ladies & Gentlemen ( and you confused types) let me introduce to you the next big fuckin Death Metal band from South America. Hyperbole you say? Hell I'm the fuckin king of hyperbole and I'm always right, well close. Here we have COMMORION a three piece act hailing from Colombia. This is their debut four song EP and this band has a huge surprise in store for ya. 

For starters COMMORION are pretty much in the vein of old school DM brutality. But then the guitar soloing kicks in and you're thrown for a loop. Guitarist Jorge Burbano is like an Yngwie Malmsteen in a brutal DM act. I mean his soloing on here is brilliant as well as exciting. Then again his riffs are pure diabolical. Juan Carlos Duque is a punishing drummer. And vocalist Anderson Martínez does the combo deep barrel chested vocals as well as sickening screams. 

COMMORION are a band that labels (half the people who read my stuff) need to check out. The fourth song on here "Montana negra" sounds like a Death and Power Metal combo. But hey I like it all and this release is just less than fifteen minutes. Imagine what they'll do in forty? Keep an eye on this one. Oh yeah that's some amazing artwork.


PAGANIZER - Flesh Requiem review


PAGANIZER - Flesh Requiem

Transcending Obscurity Records

So in my not so humble opinion (and I've said this before) Rogga Johansson is the hardest working metal musician in Sweden. Whether he's in PAGANIZER as vocalist & guitarist or the countless other bands he's in and his solo stuff (that Otherworld album he did this year is killer as fuck). The guy is a fuckin maniac when it comes to creating extreme metal. So for me I was introduced to his greatness with the 2009 PAGANIZER full length Scandinavian Warmachine. I've been a fan (actually a fanatic) ever since. 

So hey who wants to read an unbiased music review? Yeah I know that's a joke. So let me just start by saying there's a thing I call the Trident of Swedish Death Metal. The Trident's prongs represent ENTOMBED, GRAVE and DISMEMBER. Now I once said that the Trident was passed onto Rogga Johansson to carry on with this great style of Death Metal. Nowadays I think Rogga just grabbed it and said I'm taking this then he ran with it. 

So with that said my favorite Rogga Johansson band is always going to be PAGANIZER and damm this latest one is kick fuckin ass to say the least. I think Flesh Requiem is number thirteen as far as full lengths go. And when you blast this one it feels brand fuckin new. I'm serious Rogga and company just went crazy on this one. Whether it's the punishing opener "Life of Decay", the amazing "Viking Supremacy" or the cool as fuck later track "Just Another Doomsday". Hell fuckin yeah this is great Swedish Death Metal. 

Once again it's obvious why Rogga Johansson (vocals & guitars) with this version of PAGANIZER kicks fuckin ass. Rogga has got the killer line-up of bassist Martin Klasen, drummer Matthias Fiebig and guitarist Kjetil Lynghaug. These guys have been with him for almost a decade of destruction. So yeah this is a fuckin amazing Death Metal album. Which makes me wonder how bias am I when listening to this I just wanna run though walls. PAGANIZER still fuckin rules.


DEVENIAL VERDICT - Blessing of Despair review


DEVENIAL VERDICT - Blessing of Despair

Transcending Obscurity Records

Two years ago I called this Finnish band's full length debut, Ash Blind, Death Metal for late night listeners. I also thought it was of the best albums of 2022. I said that then because I am a late night listener half the time . So there is an affinity to certain bands when you first check em out especially the mood and surroundings your in. 

So here we are two years later with their sophomore full length and I have to say the title of this release is so perfect as far as the music goes. DEVENIAL VERDICT are a Death Doom band but not in the traditional Finnish style. We fans know that the traditional stuff is painfully slow and depressive. This four piece is all about violence and claustrophobia. 

While listening to this you feel like the walls are closing in on ya. Also instead of trying to destroy you with the riffs it's like you're being grabbed by the shoulder and carried along with the chords. Plus the band throws in all of the these subtle breaks from song structure (aka: "atmosphere and dissonance"). Yeah I do laugh at those terms of late but anyways....

Once again guitarist Sebastian Frigren just impresses me with his comforting guitar work. I mean yeah he can punish you with a heavy handed riff. But it's his light handed work on the frets and then coming forth with sonically charged fury which is really fuckin exciting to hear. Two years ago I called him a six string virtuoso and yeah it still stands. 

Now to the greatness of what Sebastian Frigren produces you've got vocalist Riku Saressalo who does the whole bear / beast vocal style. But he's a humble beast, sure he can come across as angry but also in despair and anguish in his singing style. I mean what this band does is truly that beautiful and beast like attack which is what great Finnish Death Doom has been held in great prominence. 

The whole thing here is whether Blessing of Despair is a great successor to their cool as fuck debut. I think it is and it's all about having a release that has you sitting inside thinking the walls are closing in. And yet there's some escape albeit thinly. Oh yeah it's a major late night release to enjoy. Nuff Said.


Friday, October 4, 2024

FERAL - To Usurp The Thrones review


FERAL - To Usurp The Thrones

Transcending Obscurity Records

So in 2023 FERAL and CRAWL, both Swedish bands, had a split release on Transcending Obscurity Records and it was fucking amazing to say the least. Both of these bands were taking the old school DISMEMBER Swede death metal sound and combining some crunchy plus insane hardcore elements. To me this was a sound and style which DISFEAR tried to get but they were still too much into melo-deth. Their first album was good but the rest was OK.

So CRAWL already released a full length this year which I think is so fucking kick ass that nothing can hold a candle to it. But now we have FERAL's fourth full length since starting out in 2007. Let me tell ya when I first blasted this one there was almost a disaster here in my office. I've got all of these decorative glasses, mugs and what-not I've collected over the years on some shelves. And when this release was playing those glasses were ready to fall off the shelves. 

FERAL are a five piece brutal and ferocious beast of modern day Swedish DM. They are the equivalent to those wolf skin viking berserkers who came out to battle. Which is why musically this is a beast of an album. I give props to vocalist David Nilsson for his roar of a voice. Guitarists Sebastian Lejon and Markus Lindahl deliver a chug fest of riffage and electrified solos. Add in the drumming intensity of Roger Markstrom I mean this guy battles the fuckin riffs. And then you have the thunder bass work of Viktor Klingstedt. I mean hell yeah this line-up creates the fucking head-banging, slam pit insanity. 

The bottom line here is that musically FERAL want to tear you to shreds, eat what they feel like and leave a fetid carcass around for all the world to see and fear. Hell yeah I like that and so should you.



Wednesday, October 2, 2024

BOTTOMLESS / WITCHING ALTAR - Graveyard Thunder Split review

BOTTOMLESS / WITCHING ALTAR - Graveyard Thunder Split

Dying Victims Productions

Well this is a cool release to blast in October to say the least. Obviously the title of this split speaks for itself. So what we have here are two doom bands, one from Italy and the other from Brazil. I've never heard Brazil's WITCHING ALTAR but I do know about Italy's BOTTOMLESS. They had a cool full length from 2023 called The Banishing. 

So starting with the three BOTTOMLESS tracks this three piece act, who started out in 2021, continues on with their love of 70's not so hard rock but yeah early PENTAGRAM is in their doom influence along with some psych. I like this band a lot. The guitar soloing is fantastic. "Shadows Call" is my favorite track of their three. As I said in my last review they need to put out a new full length which would be killer. The vocals are so subtle as well as hypnotic. 

Next up from Brazil we've got a two piece act WITCHING ALTAR who've been around since 2013. So their three song contribution on here is kinda rocking and upbeat as far as Doom goes. Ya got some chugging riffs, clean (and psycho) vocals plus a stoner rock and crushing doom approach which definitely screams SAINT VITUS. "Silence at the Cross" is my favorite track by em on here. 

As always when it come to a split release it's like a wrestling match to me. This time it was so close because WITCHING ALTAR's epic sundown sound is so inviting. I have to say BOTTOMLESS wins in my not so humble opinion. They just have this cool sound which reminds me of better things from my past. So there you go.