Sunday, June 30, 2024

UFOMAMMUT - Hidden review



Neurot Recordings

Nowadays there's only two stoner rock bands I like. One is from Poland who just fuckin rule and unless you're a regular reader of this blog you should know who they are. But if not then go look up DOPELORD. My second favorite over the past few of years is Italy's UFOMAMMUT. They just take the whole SABBATH-ian stoner trip style and go to other places. I'm not into drugs anymore, I don't need em to enjoy good music and still this is cool shit. 

I've not been a fan of everything UFOMAMMUT has done. In fact it wasn't till their 8 album from 2017 that I really became a real huge fan. I mean in the past I saw em as a HAWKWIND meets a NEUROSIS act. For me those early releases were hit and miss for me as a listener. But these days I think they're actually surpassing both of those acts of late. I mean Hidden is a total late night musical affair. We're looking at a few minutes short of a 45 time stream. Turn up the volume and let yourself be saturated by some hypnotic sludgy, stoner, psych type vibes which are thunderous as well as tranquil. 

I think Hidden is better than their past couple of releases simply because the band has found it's modern day sound which their past two releases were experimenting with. In other words they grew to this point and it's great.


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