Saturday, July 27, 2024

BRED FOR SLAUGHTER - Kill for Satan EP review



Horror Pain Gore Death Productions

After listening to this I have to say, before the cops come because a neighbor complained about the noise, this might be my second favorite release by this label in 2024. Now a little history, this is the second EP by BRED FOR SLAUGHTER. There first one, Here You​'re Born​ Here You Die, came out last year. So you are damm right I liked that one. 

This is old school death grind led by a man who fuckin knows it. Mike Beams on vocals is formerly of EXHUMED as well as REPULSION reunited 2.0. He fronts this four piece from California (of course) which also consists of former NOTHING LEFT members Jon Nedbal on guitar and drummer Brian Glover. Dusty Wall also on guitar finalizes these four horse-men of death grind. 

So I'm listening to this five song EP which is all about, lyrically, hate. If you partake in your city's public transit system then here ya go for a sound track between stops. Hell if you are just sick of viewing humanity's pathetic endeavors witnessed every fuckin day then here ya go.

Kill for Satan is a mandatory extreme metal fan's medication. Sure we can all go back and listen to Gore Metal or Horrified but these days time is short. It's a really fucked up world and time is priceless especially for me because I'm old. So I'd rather blast this before I face the public. I say that because everyone is a douche-bag except me. And hate is the handshake I give to the world. In other words you need to get this EP.


MASTER OF BLASPHEMY - Bloodred Realm review



Kvlt und Kaos Productions

And the gates of Hell were opened and a thing was released which erupted out of the German nation. And black metal fans rejoiced by saying "well it's about fuckin time". Ah yeah since I'm a huge fan of German BM bands like ENDSTILLE, KATHARSIS, NAGELFAR, THE RUINS OF BEVERAST and MOONBLOOD then yes it's about time for some great German black fuckin metal. 

I mean over the years there's been a few decent BM bands out of Germany but they tend to show homage and influences towards either Norway or Sweden. Now I'm not saying MASTER OF BLASPHEMY are perfect as far as BM heritage goes but this their debut is one of the best BM releases from a German band that I've heard in a while. 

I mean when you listen to a song like "Flame of Frenzy" or "Cult of Black Light" you think they're demons surrounding your house. Hey forget about that whole atmosphere shit. If I've got demons trying to break into the house then I've got the shotgun waiting for em. So yes this, the band's full length debut is a stand out to say the least. MASTER OF BLASPHEMY is a two piece act consisting of Atrox who performs all of the instruments and the vocals are performed by Apostat.

Musically the way I look at this is imagine KATHARSIS and MOONBLOOD were parents and had children who combined the influences to meat in the middle. I'm talking not a lot of atmosphere and subtle on the brutality. Plus it's not overly influenced by foreign sources. Well OK I'll toss in maybe MARDUK. But as everyone knows Germany's ENDSTILLE was their nation's MARDUK. 

I like the sound throughout this full length. Each cut has a twisted riff style that captures the listener into various modes. Atrox is an amazing musician and song writer. Sure it's black metal and you're gonna hear some familiar touches throughout Bloodred Realm. But if you're a fan then it's like a moth drawn to a flame. Or like bats flying over my neighbor's house tonight going after the mosquitoes. 

As far as the vocals go Apostat gives a quality performance. Once again he sounds like someone I know in another band(s). He mixes up the harsh screams with sinister vomit spilling guttural hate. You get the feeling that he means what he's singing. Also he knows how to enhance his position vocally while Atrox is providing an amazing catchy riff structure. 

All in all this debut album by Germany's MASTER OF BLASPHEMY is a standout. I mean it's a quality listen. It holds the listener, makes for repeated listens in a sitting and of course ends in sick psychotic as well as horror-esque way. In an era when we have great black metal, crappy still wanna-be hipster black metal and the OK stuff. I think this is one of the best releases you should get your hands on in 2024.


Sunday, July 21, 2024

MALIGNANCY - Discontinued review


MALIGNANCY - Discontinued

Willowtip Records

I must admit that as far as this New York brutal tech death band goes I've never been on their bandwagon. Just for the record this band originally started out in 1993. Their debut album, after a bunch of demos, came out in 1999. The first thing I bought by MALIGNANCY was their Inhuman Grotesqueries full length from 2007. And I didn't get that until a few years after it was released plus I got it used. 

Now I like Inhuman Grotesqueries but as I've always said I'm not a fan of tech death. I've probably got as much tech death as I do melo-deth. OK maybe a slight bit more tech death but anyways on a recommendation from a friend I did get the band's 1999 debut full length Intrauterine Cannibalism some years ago which is good. Another recommendation was to get a compilation that's out with a bunch of early demo cuts. I haven't gotten that one yet. 

Be that as it may I've pretty much explained what MALIGNANCY is all about. So while listening to this new album, their fifth by the way, my whole reaction is exactly the same as I would when I listen to prog rock. I like some 70's prog (hey I grew up with that music) but I can't stand prog metal. So listening to this is as good as playing some very intricate sounding prog but it's death metal. 

Case in point, I think the rhythm section musicianship of drummer Mike Heller and bassist Alex Weber is dynamic. I mean sure guitarist Ron Kachnic is psychotic with his riff / solo structures. But over repeated listens it's the rhythm section that has this uncanny drive to this whole album. And once again Ron Kachnic you're probably the most under-ated song writer out there in extreme metal. Danny Nelson on vocals you do what you've got to do with this music. I mean whether its the deep vocal drawl or the screams it's basic as far as I'm into it. 

The bottom line here is yeah it's extreme, yeah it's tech death pushing some brutal signs and proggy that I'll listen to it six or more times in a row. Will I blast this more this year? No. So there you go.


CONDEMNER - Male Patratis Sunt Atra Theatra Parata review


CONDEMNER - Male Patratis Sunt Atra Theatra Parata

Self Released

After giving this release a bunch of listens I was reminded of a crazy time from my past. Trust me there's a lot of em. But one time I came home from a party. It was after 3 AM and I was drunk as fuck but I had some beers leftover from when I went to the store. So I'm home and decide to blast some MORTICIAN. The CD was not over before the cops show up telling me there's been a noise complaint. Good times but bad decisions on my part and I think I woke up on the floor. 

But anyways I'm listening to this the second album by this Texas based Blackened Death Metal three piece act. Musically we are talking cryptic in everything this band does. You've basically got diabolical riffs, heavy ass drum work and a coal miner singing. Slow and methodical it is. Sounds like it was recorded at a practice space oh hell yeah. 

Then again look at the cover artwork and you get the idea. This is all about pain and torture. It's old school DM to it's lowest point and still sounds cool. 


GOATPENIS – End review



Brazilian Ritual Records

I remember when I first got into GOAT PENIS which was their Biochemterrorism CD which came out in 2010. I was so crazy about that album that I sent links on social media to friends promoting it. I'd be like GOAT PENIS it's whats for breakfast. GOAT PENIS it's for lunch. GOAT PENIS it's whats for dinner. And then I'd come home from work after 2 AM and post GOAT PENIS it's a great late night snack.

Sadly those days are over. First off even my extreme metal friends were going "Really?" Yeah and "stop sending me that insane shit." But anyways I ended up getting plenty of things from their back catalog. All of it is compilations which there are a lot. Now with that said in 2021 Sabbaoth (aka: Evandro Siebert) the mainman of this band passed away. This guy was the figure head of not only GOAT PENIS but of keeping the whole Brazilian extreme metal scene alive after the early bands came and went. 

So what we have here is the remains of GOAT PENIS trying to keep the legacy of a great Brazilian band going. You have Necro Abhorrence who joined in 2019 on guitar and is now on vocals since Sabbaoth's passing. On drums you've got MGM.666 who has been with the band since 2016. Finally but once again sadly on this release you have Virrugus Apocalli the band's other guitarist since 2004 who passed away this year.

Obviously I find myself compairing this one to the band's last full length Decapitation Philosophy which came out in late December 2020. In all honesty it's a legacy continued which is not bad. The whole blackened death style continues on. I think Necro Abhorrence on vocals and guitar does a good job keeping the intensity going as well as filth. 

In a way, as a longtime fan, I had apprehensions about this release. I mean why not just move on. But musically this is a solid album that continues on were the band was heading a few years back. Somewhere Sabbaoth is smiling (well we hope) that his legacy is continued with a rip and riff roaring release that speaks Brazilian blackened death metal. Yeah this is a favorite. I think the title speaks volumes.


Thursday, July 18, 2024

ANGEL MASSACRE - Worshipped in Vain review


ANGEL MASSACRE - Worshipped in Vain

Self Released

Everyone loves a local especially since, according to the opening intro to this album, the wrath of Satan has no mercy. Yes we're talking about some black fuckin metal from North Carolina. Now let me mention that around fifteen years ago you had a few hipster acts that played around with the whole black metal idea. But obviously they were laughed at so it's cool to me that we have real black metal acts here in the South. 

Now ANGEL MASSACRE are not new to the scene. The band, who hail from Gastonia, North Carolina (I wonder if they like ANTISEEN?) started out in 2006. To their credit they've released a handful of demos, an EP, a debut full length and now this their second full length. Their first full length, Blood of the Fallen Angels, came out in 2021. So basically we're talking about some veterans of the scene. 

Musically ANGEL MASSACRE are about as original as wearing a black T-shirt at a metal show. Now that's not a slag against em. It's 2024 people so what is original in black metal except for stupid sounding acts riding on the black metal banner. To be honest ANGEL MASSACRE sound like the love Swedish black metal. On this release they sound like a blend of MARDUK, DARK FUNERAL and DISSECTION. Ah yeah the big three of Swedish BM. Albeit the production on here, along with the cover artwork of the release, are low-fi. 

But in the end this is a pretty raw sounding rip your head off and hail Satan type of release. I'll bet they're incredible live and they probably played a show downtown on a weeknight and I missed em. What you have on here is amazing horrific vocal screams, great fuckin riffs and damm good song structures which would make some 90's BM vet say "Hey that's my riff". 

Whatever the case ANGEL MASSACRE on this their second full length are something for the still breathing KVLT types in the BM scene. As for me I've got too many 90's era black metal releases that are so cool sounding that no new band repeating em will impress me. ANGEL MASSACRE are a cool sounding BM act and I'd love to see em live. Overall this release falls into the decent category. 


CRYPT SERMON - The Stygian Rose review


CRYPT SERMON - The Stygian Rose

Dark Descent Records

So for those of you who follow this blog (and frankly who doesn't) then you know I've sang the praises of CRYPT SERMON before. I mean the first two albums by this Philadelphia, PA doom act are incredible as far as epic doom goes. Basically they've pushed the style which SOLITUDE AETERNUS was doing a step further. Oddly enough SOLITUDE AETERNUS pushed ahead of what CANDLEMASS was doing. 

So here we have their third full length and yeah this one is fuckin amazing for a number of reasons. First off and again the guitar soloing on here is just amazing. Add to that the song structures push epic doom into a more atmospheric realm than what you're use to from the classic acts. The vocals are killer as fuck. I mean from start to finish this is a listening experience that'll take over your world for forty five minutes if not your mind forever.


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

MORBID GRAVE - The Slime Crawlers Reissue review


MORBID GRAVE - The Slime Crawlers Reissue

Horror Pain Gore Death Productions

I was telling a friend the other day that I'm getting bored again. In other words nothing new coming in for review really (I mean really) excites me. I'd say ten percent is really cool as well as fuckin great and the rest is OK. Obviously the releases I ignore (whether I give em a listen or not because of their descriptions) don't count. That's why I end up go to the shelves and blast older stuff. And without a doubt as much as I like my Black Metal the fact is Death Metal is my go to sound in order to feel good. One of my favorite lines at work after listening to the crappy music they play is "this is why I listen to Death Metal". 

Then of course enters MORBID GRAVE and this release here is a savior. To me this kinda rules because it's lo-fi sounding (aka: a cool demo) death metal with some death doom touches. Yes this is cavernous chaotic sounding stuff from Denmark. Just to get some info out of the way MORBID GRAVE is a one man band. The one man is multi instrumentalist Michael Huhle. While looking up his history he's been a former member of a lot of bands. I saw that he use to play with DENIAL OF GOD as a live musician so I'm like yeah that's cool.

But anyways this release sound wise is a hideous beast of bludgeoning riffs, smashed cymbals, diabolical song structures that would make Cthulhu, INCANTATION or PROFANATICA proud let alone a whole lot of fanatics in Brazil. Yeah this is the kind of music you wanna blast on your outdoor speakers while you're sitting out on the back deck with a beer. Unfortunately the neighbors would call the cops. They'd come into the back yard with guns drawn thinking Satan has emerged from behind a two bedroom home. Nah I'm just playing it loud to keep the deer away from my tomato plants. 

Whatever, the story here is that this full length release here, The Slime Crawlers, originally came out in 2022. So the good people at Horror Pain Gore Death Productions (I'm lying because they're evil) reissued the full length plus tagged on MORBID GRAVE's six song EP, Pandemic Mutations, which came out in 2021. In the end this is ugly fuckin death metal which to me is a treat.


KRVSADE - Wolves of the Black Star review


KRVSADE - Wolves of the Black Star

Kvlt und Kaos Productions

Since North Carolina is my home state I try to give local bands a shout out when they're good of course. What we have here is the debut full length by a three piece blackened death act from Charlotte, North Carolina. Their dink has ten songs total but it's actually eight since there's an intro and outro.

Be that as it may KRVSADE sound pretty good as far as their brand of blackened death goes. But hey it's as original as wearing a black t-shirt to a metal show. Then again I like stuff which I'm familiar with as opposed to wacked out bull shit. Now there are times listening to this one where it reminded me a bit of BELPHEGOR from Austria. No surprise that this band is on an Austrian label. But anyways they do add some cool parts to a style of music older then them. And yeah that's a good thing.

The guitar work on here is damm good. Guitarist Javonte Evans knows his blackened atmospheric riffs and tremolo picked soloing. But on other cuts he's tearing out these prime death metal solos that'll rip your face off. He's also the vocalist and employs a deep aggro singing style that varies from demonic to harsh screams. The rhythm section of KRVSADE is equally great with drummer Keegan Dennis doing a solid workout which is perfect for these song structures. Bassist Jeb Laird keeps in with a back thunder. 

Sonic-ally speaking this debut is filled with enough intensity to peak your interest into a purchase. Actually KRVSADE has been around since 2017 and to their credit they've put out a demo and a handful of short form releases. And after listening to this one I'm kind of curious what their other stuff sounds like especially their single "Satanic Speed Metal". 

Be that as it may the world knows North Carolina gave extreme metal DARKMOON and now you've got KRVSADE. Blackened Hails Ya'll.