Tuesday, July 2, 2024

KRVSADE - Wolves of the Black Star review


KRVSADE - Wolves of the Black Star

Kvlt und Kaos Productions

Since North Carolina is my home state I try to give local bands a shout out when they're good of course. What we have here is the debut full length by a three piece blackened death act from Charlotte, North Carolina. Their dink has ten songs total but it's actually eight since there's an intro and outro.

Be that as it may KRVSADE sound pretty good as far as their brand of blackened death goes. But hey it's as original as wearing a black t-shirt to a metal show. Then again I like stuff which I'm familiar with as opposed to wacked out bull shit. Now there are times listening to this one where it reminded me a bit of BELPHEGOR from Austria. No surprise that this band is on an Austrian label. But anyways they do add some cool parts to a style of music older then them. And yeah that's a good thing.

The guitar work on here is damm good. Guitarist Javonte Evans knows his blackened atmospheric riffs and tremolo picked soloing. But on other cuts he's tearing out these prime death metal solos that'll rip your face off. He's also the vocalist and employs a deep aggro singing style that varies from demonic to harsh screams. The rhythm section of KRVSADE is equally great with drummer Keegan Dennis doing a solid workout which is perfect for these song structures. Bassist Jeb Laird keeps in with a back thunder. 

Sonic-ally speaking this debut is filled with enough intensity to peak your interest into a purchase. Actually KRVSADE has been around since 2017 and to their credit they've put out a demo and a handful of short form releases. And after listening to this one I'm kind of curious what their other stuff sounds like especially their single "Satanic Speed Metal". 

Be that as it may the world knows North Carolina gave extreme metal DARKMOON and now you've got KRVSADE. Blackened Hails Ya'll.




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