Sunday, July 21, 2024

MALIGNANCY - Discontinued review


MALIGNANCY - Discontinued

Willowtip Records

I must admit that as far as this New York brutal tech death band goes I've never been on their bandwagon. Just for the record this band originally started out in 1993. Their debut album, after a bunch of demos, came out in 1999. The first thing I bought by MALIGNANCY was their Inhuman Grotesqueries full length from 2007. And I didn't get that until a few years after it was released plus I got it used. 

Now I like Inhuman Grotesqueries but as I've always said I'm not a fan of tech death. I've probably got as much tech death as I do melo-deth. OK maybe a slight bit more tech death but anyways on a recommendation from a friend I did get the band's 1999 debut full length Intrauterine Cannibalism some years ago which is good. Another recommendation was to get a compilation that's out with a bunch of early demo cuts. I haven't gotten that one yet. 

Be that as it may I've pretty much explained what MALIGNANCY is all about. So while listening to this new album, their fifth by the way, my whole reaction is exactly the same as I would when I listen to prog rock. I like some 70's prog (hey I grew up with that music) but I can't stand prog metal. So listening to this is as good as playing some very intricate sounding prog but it's death metal. 

Case in point, I think the rhythm section musicianship of drummer Mike Heller and bassist Alex Weber is dynamic. I mean sure guitarist Ron Kachnic is psychotic with his riff / solo structures. But over repeated listens it's the rhythm section that has this uncanny drive to this whole album. And once again Ron Kachnic you're probably the most under-ated song writer out there in extreme metal. Danny Nelson on vocals you do what you've got to do with this music. I mean whether its the deep vocal drawl or the screams it's basic as far as I'm into it. 

The bottom line here is yeah it's extreme, yeah it's tech death pushing some brutal signs and proggy that I'll listen to it six or more times in a row. Will I blast this more this year? No. So there you go.


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