Tuesday, July 2, 2024

MORBID GRAVE - The Slime Crawlers Reissue review


MORBID GRAVE - The Slime Crawlers Reissue

Horror Pain Gore Death Productions

I was telling a friend the other day that I'm getting bored again. In other words nothing new coming in for review really (I mean really) excites me. I'd say ten percent is really cool as well as fuckin great and the rest is OK. Obviously the releases I ignore (whether I give em a listen or not because of their descriptions) don't count. That's why I end up go to the shelves and blast older stuff. And without a doubt as much as I like my Black Metal the fact is Death Metal is my go to sound in order to feel good. One of my favorite lines at work after listening to the crappy music they play is "this is why I listen to Death Metal". 

Then of course enters MORBID GRAVE and this release here is a savior. To me this kinda rules because it's lo-fi sounding (aka: a cool demo) death metal with some death doom touches. Yes this is cavernous chaotic sounding stuff from Denmark. Just to get some info out of the way MORBID GRAVE is a one man band. The one man is multi instrumentalist Michael Huhle. While looking up his history he's been a former member of a lot of bands. I saw that he use to play with DENIAL OF GOD as a live musician so I'm like yeah that's cool.

But anyways this release sound wise is a hideous beast of bludgeoning riffs, smashed cymbals, diabolical song structures that would make Cthulhu, INCANTATION or PROFANATICA proud let alone a whole lot of fanatics in Brazil. Yeah this is the kind of music you wanna blast on your outdoor speakers while you're sitting out on the back deck with a beer. Unfortunately the neighbors would call the cops. They'd come into the back yard with guns drawn thinking Satan has emerged from behind a two bedroom home. Nah I'm just playing it loud to keep the deer away from my tomato plants. 

Whatever, the story here is that this full length release here, The Slime Crawlers, originally came out in 2022. So the good people at Horror Pain Gore Death Productions (I'm lying because they're evil) reissued the full length plus tagged on MORBID GRAVE's six song EP, Pandemic Mutations, which came out in 2021. In the end this is ugly fuckin death metal which to me is a treat. 




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