Sunday, July 21, 2024

GOATPENIS – End review



Brazilian Ritual Records

I remember when I first got into GOAT PENIS which was their Biochemterrorism CD which came out in 2010. I was so crazy about that album that I sent links on social media to friends promoting it. I'd be like GOAT PENIS it's whats for breakfast. GOAT PENIS it's for lunch. GOAT PENIS it's whats for dinner. And then I'd come home from work after 2 AM and post GOAT PENIS it's a great late night snack.

Sadly those days are over. First off even my extreme metal friends were going "Really?" Yeah and "stop sending me that insane shit." But anyways I ended up getting plenty of things from their back catalog. All of it is compilations which there are a lot. Now with that said in 2021 Sabbaoth (aka: Evandro Siebert) the mainman of this band passed away. This guy was the figure head of not only GOAT PENIS but of keeping the whole Brazilian extreme metal scene alive after the early bands came and went. 

So what we have here is the remains of GOAT PENIS trying to keep the legacy of a great Brazilian band going. You have Necro Abhorrence who joined in 2019 on guitar and is now on vocals since Sabbaoth's passing. On drums you've got MGM.666 who has been with the band since 2016. Finally but once again sadly on this release you have Virrugus Apocalli the band's other guitarist since 2004 who passed away this year.

Obviously I find myself compairing this one to the band's last full length Decapitation Philosophy which came out in late December 2020. In all honesty it's a legacy continued which is not bad. The whole blackened death style continues on. I think Necro Abhorrence on vocals and guitar does a good job keeping the intensity going as well as filth. 

In a way, as a longtime fan, I had apprehensions about this release. I mean why not just move on. But musically this is a solid album that continues on were the band was heading a few years back. Somewhere Sabbaoth is smiling (well we hope) that his legacy is continued with a rip and riff roaring release that speaks Brazilian blackened death metal. Yeah this is a favorite. I think the title speaks volumes.


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