Thursday, July 18, 2024

CRYPT SERMON - The Stygian Rose review


CRYPT SERMON - The Stygian Rose

Dark Descent Records

So for those of you who follow this blog (and frankly who doesn't) then you know I've sang the praises of CRYPT SERMON before. I mean the first two albums by this Philadelphia, PA doom act are incredible as far as epic doom goes. Basically they've pushed the style which SOLITUDE AETERNUS was doing a step further. Oddly enough SOLITUDE AETERNUS pushed ahead of what CANDLEMASS was doing. 

So here we have their third full length and yeah this one is fuckin amazing for a number of reasons. First off and again the guitar soloing on here is just amazing. Add to that the song structures push epic doom into a more atmospheric realm than what you're use to from the classic acts. The vocals are killer as fuck. I mean from start to finish this is a listening experience that'll take over your world for forty five minutes if not your mind forever.


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