Sunday, July 21, 2024

CONDEMNER - Male Patratis Sunt Atra Theatra Parata review


CONDEMNER - Male Patratis Sunt Atra Theatra Parata

Self Released

After giving this release a bunch of listens I was reminded of a crazy time from my past. Trust me there's a lot of em. But one time I came home from a party. It was after 3 AM and I was drunk as fuck but I had some beers leftover from when I went to the store. So I'm home and decide to blast some MORTICIAN. The CD was not over before the cops show up telling me there's been a noise complaint. Good times but bad decisions on my part and I think I woke up on the floor. 

But anyways I'm listening to this the second album by this Texas based Blackened Death Metal three piece act. Musically we are talking cryptic in everything this band does. You've basically got diabolical riffs, heavy ass drum work and a coal miner singing. Slow and methodical it is. Sounds like it was recorded at a practice space oh hell yeah. 

Then again look at the cover artwork and you get the idea. This is all about pain and torture. It's old school DM to it's lowest point and still sounds cool. 


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