Saturday, July 27, 2024

BRED FOR SLAUGHTER - Kill for Satan EP review



Horror Pain Gore Death Productions

After listening to this I have to say, before the cops come because a neighbor complained about the noise, this might be my second favorite release by this label in 2024. Now a little history, this is the second EP by BRED FOR SLAUGHTER. There first one, Here You​'re Born​ Here You Die, came out last year. So you are damm right I liked that one. 

This is old school death grind led by a man who fuckin knows it. Mike Beams on vocals is formerly of EXHUMED as well as REPULSION reunited 2.0. He fronts this four piece from California (of course) which also consists of former NOTHING LEFT members Jon Nedbal on guitar and drummer Brian Glover. Dusty Wall also on guitar finalizes these four horse-men of death grind. 

So I'm listening to this five song EP which is all about, lyrically, hate. If you partake in your city's public transit system then here ya go for a sound track between stops. Hell if you are just sick of viewing humanity's pathetic endeavors witnessed every fuckin day then here ya go.

Kill for Satan is a mandatory extreme metal fan's medication. Sure we can all go back and listen to Gore Metal or Horrified but these days time is short. It's a really fucked up world and time is priceless especially for me because I'm old. So I'd rather blast this before I face the public. I say that because everyone is a douche-bag except me. And hate is the handshake I give to the world. In other words you need to get this EP.


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