Thursday, October 5, 2017

CANNABIS CORPSE - Left Hand Pass review


Season of Mist

I'm a fan of this band by the way but not at first. Years ago a friend of mine turned me onto them because they were a side project of MUNICIPAL WASTE's bassist Phil "Landphil" Hall. So at first I didn't care for their pot parody of CANNIBAL CORPSE. But as with many things in music, if you keep listening then you not only get it but end up loving it. So that was me because CANNABIS CORPSE are just cool as fuck and better than their parody icons at least of late and in my not so humble opinion.
So here we have CANNABIS CORPSE's fifth full length and dammit it's good. I'll have you know that I liked their last one, 2014's From Wisdom to Baked. Some people in the metal media did not which is fine but I saw something which they refused to see. Sure the pot parody of Chris Barnes era CANNIBAL CORPSE was still going on and the artwork was not as comical but they were branching away. On this new one you can hear it.

I remember hearing an early post of one of their tracks, "Papyrus Containing the Spell to Protect Its Possessor Against Attacks From He Who Is In the Bong Water", and I'm like "duh that's NILE". Hell this album just rips your fuckin guts out and then spends time twirling it in the air like a pizza at a Italian restaurant, run by Armenians, and serving it to you on a platter of Chris Barne's fallen out hair as a garnish. This is great death metal that's not technical or progressive. This is thick bludgeoning riffs, balanced drum work and vocals of a beast. The album title threw me off. I almost thought they were gonna go the Swedish DM route. Yeah that would be interesting but hey why fuck up a good thing.

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