Thursday, February 22, 2018

EXPLUSER - The Unholy One (reissue)

EXPLUSER - The Unholy One (reissue)

Greyhaze Records

Last year I got to write about some cool releases put out by Greyhaze Records out of Florida. Two reissues by MUTILATOR and THE MIST plus a newer one by NERVOCHAOS. Now there was also a three song EP reissue by EXPLUSER called Fornications which originally came out in 1990 as part of a split release with the band BRUTAL DISTORTION. I listened to it a few times but did not write about. I must've been drunk and forgot. Anyways it is some important music by another past great of Brazilian extreme metal. 

Now for years I've touted the greatness of early (and of course newer) South American extreme metal. Of course when I started getting into it the first wave was over. Still I have to ask when any of you others out there got into SARCOFAGO's debut, didn't you wonder what else that area of the world had to offer? I know I did. Now I'm not some expert on the topic nor am I a rich die-hard who is willing to pay huge bullshit sums of cash to a distro scumbag who knows what's collector's only rare. I'm just a fan with a bunch of dinks from this scene and these bands, in my not so humble opinion, are all worthy of your attention.

So hat's off to Greyhaze Records for again reissuing another gem. This is the debut album by EXPULSER, a death thrash four piece act from Brazil. The band started out in 1989. This debut came out in 1992 on Cogumelo Records. Sound-wise EXPULSER were like a more technical version of SARCOFAGO with vocals mostly in the deep growl dept but once in a while kicked in with deathly rasps. The highlight of course was their riff package as well as their high pitched solo attack. To put it all in perspective The Unholy One is the best album from 1992 that you never heard. But now you can.

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