Saturday, December 28, 2019

GRAVEFIELDS - Embrace the Void review

GRAVEFIELDS - Embrace the Void

Redefining Darkness Records

Ireland's extreme metal scene is not known for cool as fuck death metal acts although I have written about a damm good one already this year. I know you think of Irish Metal and immediately scream "THIN LIZZY" even though they really had one official "metal" album. Not trashing their hard rock stuff which I still love to this day I'm just being honest. But we're talking metal, death metal to be precise.  And with that said GRAVEFIELDS are Irish and Death Metal as they come.

But here's the kicker, I'm 1/3 Irish (on my Mother's side, her father was off the boat Irish). GRAVEFIELDS are only half Irish since their vocalist is French (or just lives in France). More to it in perspective, GRAVEFIELDS are a two piece act with Irishman Alan Hurley performing all instruments while singing is done by DM (aka: Thomas Blanc). 

Starting with the former part as in the music by Hurley, the sound and style comes across as more of an American influenced semi-tech death influence overall. No name drops by me but the melodic touches which also constrict to tension are similar to some late 90's era USDM. When DM's vocals kick in which are are trifecta of harsh screams, gruff DM styled singing and full on monster in a cave emanation, the pattern is set forth. 

I'll give this release a wave for the effects in the atmospheric realm. But it's missing a kind of soul which would be essential if this band wanted it to be memorable. No it's not.

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