Monday, December 30, 2019

NILE - Vile Nilotic Rites review

NILE - Vile Nilotic Rites

Nuclear Blast

Alright I'm a NILE fan as in I saw them at a club I use to work at in the late 90's. It was their first major tour and they were with INCANTATION as well as playing stuff from their debut album, Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka. I still cite that show as the time of my severe hearing damage. I was standing right in front of the speakers watching Karl Sanders' incredible guitar performance. My hearing has never been the same. 

Be that as it may I've stuck with them since then through amazing releases to mediocre stuff. So after 2015's What Should Not Be Unearthed, which was another OK release by my appreciation. Some changes went into play in order for NILE's future to continue. First off a major change is with long time vocalist/guitarist/bassist, Dallas Wade leaving the band. 

The new vocalist/ guitarist Brian Kingsland has less of a growl as Dallas. But adds some variety to the vocals which comes to growling and some blackened screeching. Now as far as the music is concerned this is the most exciting release NILE has done in years. This is heavy on the brutality, light on tech death over the top-ness as well as the whole Egyptian shtick. We're talking modern death metal at it's finest.

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