Monday, November 30, 2020

CRYPT WALK - Rot Gut Prophecies EP review


CRYPT WALK - Rot Gut Prophecies EP

Horror Pain Gore Death Productions

CRYPT WALK are a new grindcore act from the place I call home Raleigh, NC. If it wasn't for the pandemic panic shutdown which has killed all venues. I'd probably have seen em perform this year either at Slims in downtown on a week-nite show or maybe during the local Deathfest in June. That show's line-up could use a grind band. 

One of the members of this act also plays in the death metal outfit PATHOGENESIS. For some reason that name sounded familiar so to me so I went on a CD search through the stacks thinking I'd picked up one of their releases. They have a couple out. I am "that" guy who does not leave a show unless I buy some merch from the bands. Oh well no luck in finding a CD on the DM shelves. 

But anyways so I'm listening to this EP and thinking my town hasn't had an actual grindcore band who played clubs since MAN WILL DESTROY HIMSELF or the the singer for that band's side project. But they were less into the metal side of grind, more MAN IS A BASTARD type of stuff. 

CRYPT WALK definitely fall into the metal side of the genre's spectrum. Musically the band, which is a three piece featuring vocalist Alex Wilson, guitarist Christopher Snide and drummer Vassia Kouprianov, are of that modern eclectic part jazz influenced style of the genre. The vocals vary between insane screams to deep bear growls. The guitar work is a cross between the spastic sounds from their peers in Japan to touches of avant garde and good old brutal death metal. The drumwork follows suit in intensity.

The EP is nine songs with a run time of around thirteen minutes or in other words, it's quick. It's also a damm good sounding debut. And of course that's the opinion of someone who appreciates grind from the old school style which this is far from being. CRYPT WALK know how to bring out the pain and hatred. Hopefully next year things will get back to normal and I'll see em play a local club.


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