Thursday, November 5, 2020

MORKETIDA - Traveler of the Untouched Voids EP review


MORKETIDA - Traveler of the Untouched Voids EP

Werewolf Records

Here we have a Finnish black metal act that takes a path less traveled as far as their nation's genre style goes. Where as most fans think blasphemy and brutality when it comes to black metal acts from Finland. MORKETIDA, who've been around for a short amount of years, have a different approach on this new release. Since I'm a fan of this label (they put out SATANIC WARMASTER stuff, OK?). I learned about MORKETIDA via their debut full length from two years ago. 

As far as this new four song EP (or mini album if you prefer) goes, this Finnish trio throw in some surprises. First and foremost MORKETIDA have always been a 90's black metal influenced act that incorporates some straight up melodic touches as well as raw simplicity with tremolo picked intensity. And then they toss in some synths which really throw you for a loop.

Personally I think this EP is better than their full length. I also think it's a bridge to even greater things. The title cut makes that most evident with it's acoustic guitar over play covering some blistering blackened melody. The icing on this cake is their cover version of IMMORTAL's "Unsilent Storms in the North Abyss". It's a pretty straight forward cover which would probably work for them live. On here it's decent and makes this a worth while release.


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