Friday, August 20, 2021

NECROCHAOS - Mortal Angels Descent review


NECROCHAOS - Mortal Angels Descent

Godz Ov War Productions

This is not my first run in with Germany's one man death metal act NECROCHAOS. The first time was in 2020 when this label released the act's three song 2019 demo, and added two more cuts, as an EP. The one man multi-instrumentalist responsible is Eugen Kohl. A diabolical individual who also has close to ten other extreme sounding solo acts to his credit. No one wants to play with Eugen. Then again if you give this a spin you'll understand why.

One of the first things I mentioned about the EP back then was that it wasn't your mother's German death metal. To be honest when it comes to extreme music from Germany I rarely think of death metal especially something with a distinct aura of it's own. I mean over the decades I've heard a few unique ones. But for the most part German DM bands find themselves heavily influenced by the genre powerhouses from Poland or Sweden. 

As I said a few years ago NECROCHAOS combines the old school DM sounds from Finland as well as Australia but I'll add to it by saying there's some USDM influence as well. Now the combination of all of that actually takes on a character of it's own. And since it's 2021 where almost anyone can say "There's nothing new in death metal, I've heard it all". You really need to gives this release time to overwhelm your senses. 

I always get hammered by PR people and labels asking why does it take so long for me to write about their releases. My answer is always hey in Orwell's book 1984 Winston Smith spends weeks being tortured till he finally breaks. So when it comes to torturous extreme music I should get at least half of that to write something. Which is what you need to for something this well done. 

From the beginning of this six song debut full length the brutal crushing sound just takes over. From there the gambit is open to a variety of punishing formulas. Now as much as I love the mid-paced riff carnage. I have to say when certain cuts mix that with some diabolical death doom and those blast furnace vocals from a horrible place. We're talking perfection here. I'd like to shake this guy's hand for putting something out this cool in 2021. But I'd probably get second degree burns.


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