Friday, December 27, 2024

VARIOUS ARTISTS - SVN - King Of The Deatmatches 2024 review


VARIOUS ARTISTS - SVN - King Of The Deatmatches 2024

Horror Pain Gore Death Productions


On December 14th 2024 at Don Quixote's in Los Angeles, California an amazing wrestling event took place. It was the SVN (Severe Violent Nature) King Of The Deathmatches Tournament. You had a dozen ruthless competitors fight it out to be crowned number one. The event was hosted by Tony Foresta of MUNICIPAL WASTE fame. You can watch the final here:

In honor of that spectacular wrestling extravaganza the good people at HPGD Productions decided to put together a compilation of great extreme sounding artists from their label.

Now before I get into the music on this compilation let me explain something about myself. My love of professional wrestling (or wrasslin as we say here in NC) goes back to when I was a kid in the 70's. I stuck with it from the 70's to the 80's, 90's and early 2000s. Honestly I haven't cared for wrestling in the past 20 years. My heroes are gone / retired. And the newer bunch just bores me. 

But wrestling and extreme music has gone hand in hand for a while. I've always been a fan of it. ANTISEEN, my favorite band of all time, are quite known for doing some wrestling themed songs. Some of their past co-horts like COCKNOOSE and RANCID VAT had plenty of wrestling inspired songs. Then around a decade or more ago I learned that there was a new extreme metal and wrestling phenomena going on from Philadelphia, PA. as well as surrounding areas. And why not since it's the home of ECW aka: Extreme Championship Wrestling. 

Yes you had young extreme musicians from Philly and surrounding areas watching videos of Terry Funk, The Sandman, Taz and Sabo then going on to create full on brutal DM and grindcore music. And of course not so strangely enough it was this label here from Philly, aka: Hostile City, HPGD Productions that promoted much of it. 

So here we have a compilation that's not much about wrestling but more about extreme music be it death metal or grindcore by some great artists from the HPGD Productions label. Honestly I like a lot of these bands. I mean releases this year by the likes of CRUSHUMAN, SULLY, FACHE and HUMAN INFECTION are top notch and well represented here. I listened to this before work the other night in order to have this music in my head to combat the bad Christmas crap sounds played there.

In the end this is a great fuckin comp. The variety of extreme sounds is phenomenal. Check out some BLOOD FREAK, GHOULHOUSE or BRED FOR SLAUGHTER. All good stuff.


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