Friday, August 29, 2008

THE BREATHING PROCESS - In Waking, Divinity CD Review


Here's another entry into the growing legion of bands floating in the metal scene like a boat without a rudder. I heard one of their songs on a Battle Metal compilation CD (how they got onto that I'll never know) so now I'm checking out their full length. And after quite a few listens I believe this New England band is actually trying to find an identity in any scene that will have them. Their sound is melodic Death Metal with Symphonic Black Metal elements and keyboards added to it. At times their vocalist does a good harsh vocal delivery. And at other times he sounds like he needs to be singing for some bad Metalcore band. This is very strange to get into. The release shows them breathing blackened fire and brimstone into this genre with cuts like "The Hunter", "Pandora's Rebirth", Dear Antigone" and my favorite "The Harvesting". Unfortunately the rest of the cuts meander around to the point where they're forgettable. In fact this reminds me of a chicken running around after it's head has been cut off. Some people might like a band that's confused but not me. It's just their debut so there's hope for the future. All I can say to them is when the time comes for a followup stick to what you know best. And leave the experimenting to those college kids in their locked dorm room.

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