Friday, July 28, 2017

CHIRAL - Gazing Light Eternity review

CHIRAL - Gazing Light Eternity 

Folkvangr Records 

Here we have another decent find reissued on cassette by Folkvangr Records. CHIRAL is a one man black metal act from Italy. The one man is Matteo Gruppi who lives in the countryside near Piacenza to be exact. Just for the record Matteo has been busy over the years since starting CHIRAL in 2013. Over the following years he's put out a bunch of demos, singles, splits and two full lengths this one here being his second. 

At first I was not into this at all. I had come home from work pissed off. This was next in the review stack so I played it and decided that I had stuff to do while it played in the background. Thankfully it did and what a calming effect it had on me. Once I played it a second and third time then things got to the point of understanding. Frankly this is what I use to call late night blackened something or other. 

This release contains the original four tracks plus there's an added fifth track by the label. As far as the original part goes the four tracks are in a pattern. For example Tracks (or on here they're Parts) 1 and 3 carry more of blackened feel and are longer. They are followed up with shorter ambient cuts. Musically CHIRAL comes across as dark, depressing and is best looked upon as one continuous piece of music than individual parts. 

The blackened riffs and melodies are easy listening. Once in a while there's a furious breakout of tremolo picked madness (near the end of Part III The Crown for example). There's also great use of acoustic guitar, plenty of keyboards to wash you in soft atmospheric sounds. The added fifth track is an acoustic misery that if it was electric would be funeral doom. I fell asleep each time this release played then had to re-listen in the morning to remember what I thought about it.  There you go, it soothes the savage beast.

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