Sunday, November 26, 2017

CRAFTEON - Cosmic Reawakening review

CRAFTEON - Cosmic Reawakening

Self Released

Hailing from Denver, Colorado we have this four piece black metal act CRAFTEON. They're a concept band created by vocalist / guitarist Lord Mordiggian who is a teacher of literature (because if he was into gender studies I wouldn't be talking about this). Mordiggian decided to create this the band's debut full length inspired by his favorite writer H.P. Lovecraft.

Now as we all know, along with satanism and nature, Lovecraft is one of the more popular themes worked upon in the dark realms of extreme metal. Hell even some scribes in the metal media have coined the descriptive term "Lovecraft-ian" in order to convey a description they obviously lack in other ways to put into words. Be that as it may would you rather sit through another boring lecture on the meaning of Lovecraft's writings or listen to this? Better yet, go see their performance at a club.
As far as the eight tracks on here go, CRAFTEON do a great job on the melodic black metal template. There's a balance of aggression and melody that leans on a DISSECTION influence which is definitely unique for a USBM act. You would guess from their overall sound that the band hailed from Gothenburg instead of Denver. Mordiggian's vocals even carry that call of harsh Scandinavia.

The only negative upon this is that it's a self release. It should be on a label, big or small, because it should be widely circulated amongst fans. Hopefully it will sooner than later.

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