Friday, November 24, 2017

PARALYSIS - Life Sentence review

PARALYSIS - Life Sentence 


Well I'm originally from New Jersey so seeing that these thrashers were from there as well made this worth a listen. No one told PARALYSIS that the old school thrash revival has long since been over and has been replaced by the latest trend, old school crossover. I guess we should be thankful for that because this four piece act are in no way trendy sounding. I mean honestly this sounds like some long lost release from those early days. 

OK so it's the closing days of 2017 and we all know what old school thrash sounds like so lets just forgo the obvious. What makes PARALYSIS stand out is the most important part. First off the vocals by founder and guitarist Jon Plemenik are in that angst ridden old hardcore vein. The second key thing here is the lead guitar work by Ron Iglesias. This guy finds ways to slice open a song and insert a fiery solo that really doesn't come off sounding typical.

The third and final point about Life Sentence is the sound as a whole. The ten songs on this their debut remind me old New York Hardcore (later Metalcore) meets MEGADETH. You've got your gang chorus shouts via a song structures that Dave Mustaine reminisces about. But even with that said hey these guys are from Jersey so they must own every damm album by the speedier acts from New York. 

All in all I'd call this a win win for PARALYSIS as well as any fan out there who yearns for modern interpretations of old Thrash / HC / Metalcore sounds that don't come over as contrived. I also like this band's history and dedication to their craft. It started out in 2010 via band leader Jon Plemenik's love of metal and wanting to recreate it. After putting out a couple of EPs they finally have this debut under their belts. Hopefully 2018 will see this band get a label deal which after listening to this they easily deserve.

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