Sunday, March 25, 2018

CODERED - Dominions of Our Deceitful Beliefs reissue review

CODERED - Dominions of Our Deceitful Beliefs reissue

Loud Rage Music

Ya know that feeling when you believe something is obvious but it's not that simple and then later on reality hits you in the head like a fuckin hammer? Case in point here, CODERED are a Romainian death metal act that originally started out in 2004. Yeah I'm serious. After a split up, a re-grouping and a few line-up changes the band finally self released a full length, Dominions of Our Deceitful Beliefs in 2013. The band plans some new stuff coming (there's a new track added onto this). But for now here's this.

Musically this is early sounding technical death metal like VADER meets MORBID ANGEL. I was wondering about how that latter influence came to a Romanian band. Then I saw that this was mastered in Florida at a place called Mana Recording Studios. Maybe that has something to do with it. Anyways I stand behind those name drops and CODERED are not the first Eastern European death metal act I've checked out that had a VADER influence to their overall attack.

On a whole CODERED do a great job at producing death metal with punishment in mind thanks to their tech savvy drummer. The assemblage of choice riffs are basic to any long time listener of the genre. Still there's somewhat of a maelstrom formula going on that adds to the overall fury. Vocals are perfect and of course remind me of Piotr Wiwczarek of VADER. If there's something wrong here it's the soloing. The ones that have that acidic fluid attack are cool but some others are weak. Otherwise I'd like to hear their next newest release hopefully this year.

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