Friday, March 9, 2018

SYNAPSE MISFIRE - Losing The War Against The Sands Of Time review

SYNAPSE MISFIRE - Losing The War Against The Sands Of Time

Horror Pain Gore Death Productions

When listening to this debut full length from Illinois' SYNAPSE MISFIRE. I got the idea that I had just bought a cassette from a band that just played someone's living-room at a house show. Yeah I know, basement shows are in the past. Still this does have that low fi feel like a DIY band in a van who'll play anywhere for anything. By the way synapse misfire is a real medical term. Think of it in laymen's terms as a brain freeze. But I digress.

The only info I have on SYNAPSE MISFIRE is, like I mentioned earlier, they're from Illinois. Also they're made up of members from various other bands most notably HELMSPLITTER who had a few releases on Horror Pain Gore Death Productions as well. As far as this goes musically it's definitely a grab bag of metal extremism. The base point is blackened thrash with touches of grind, some dirgey death tones and distorted hardcore of old. The only thing missing is a slam pit.

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