Thursday, July 19, 2018

BACKWOODS PAYBACK - Future Slum review


Small Stone Recordings

Waitaminute I thought all Small Stone Record's bands had at least one ex- ALABAMA THUNDER PUSSY member. OK I better check the bands on the t-shirt I got years ago. But something of interest, this band's drummer is Erik Larson and I've probably seen him more fuckin times performing in bands than you can shake a stick at. 

I've seen him play in AVAIL at a house party here in Raleigh, NC. many years ago. Actually they set up in a dirty back yard. Then KILARA played the first Scumfest in 1997 at a punk/metal club I use to work at called the Caboose. ALABAMA THUNDER PUSSY played there as well many times. And THE MIGHT COULD played a show years ago in downtown. I bought their CD off the guy.

But anyways here's his new band, well he's been involved in it since 2016. Basically this is a three piece made up of Mike Cummings on guitar and vocals. Jessica Baker on bass and Erik Larson on drums. Musically this points in the direction of stoner rock but there are times when it comes across as Sub Pop 1988. Can you say Grunge Revival?

This is the fourth full length by this Pennsylvania power trio. Yes it has that early grunge element but not in that bad way we all remember it. There's a low-fi gritty feel to their songs. Add to that some vocal trade-offs from Cummings and Baker. They even slip in some punk rock influences. All in all an enjoyable release that will rekindle some past memories.

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