Saturday, October 5, 2019

DETHEROUS - Hacked to Death review

DETHEROUS - Hacked to Death

Redefining Darkness Records

For the past few months I've been narrowing the scope of releases I wanna write about. Yes the parameters are getting smaller because of so little free time and too many releases. So on first listen I wasn't too thrilled about this Canadian death thrash band's debut full length. Then two more listens later and I'm saying this is cool as fuck.

DETHEROUS, who are a four piece act, have both of their feet planted firmly in the past and that's a damm good thing. Their lead guitarist is a Chuck Schuldiner influenced devotee as in the early DEATH stuff. Vocals are kinda caustic 80's hardcore in style. And these songs, eight of em, are total throwbacks. I mean this sounds like it could've come out on Combat Records back in the late 80s. This is what death thrash is supposed to be.

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