Friday, August 21, 2020

VISCERAL VIOLATION - Carnival Cannibal review

 VISCERAL VIOLATION - Carnival Cannibal

Horror Pain Gore Death Productions 

So here we have some brutal death metal from Maryland. Yes I'll wait a minute so you can pick yourself up from the floor for laughing so hard. Honestly I was shocked, shocked I say, to know there's brutal death metal going on in Maryland. Especially something this fuckin brutal which actually sounds like it's from south of the border or even further. 

Lets start with the cover artwork of this release. First off it reminds me of two horror/gore movies which came out in the past decade and still bother me today. I don't need to mention em but with the clown guy depicted and the abattoir  surroundings it should be a giveaway. Nothing against it, I just think it's a good representation to what you'll here inside Carnival Cannibal. 

Musically this band reminds me of some Colombian death cult metal acts which I've had the pleasure in the past of writing about. Hell this band's singer/growler even wear's a kidnap hood. But with that in context what you've got here is some average sounding brutal DM with the vocals too high in the mix. In the end it's eight cuts all of which are slightly over two minutes a piece. But hey, they're from Maryland so shock value might be of interest.

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