Friday, May 6, 2022

WOMIT ANGEL - Sadopunk Finland review


WOMIT ANGEL - Sadopunk Finland

Godz Ov War Productions

Remember when you would buy an album or CD in a store and there would be a sticker on it saying "PLAY IT LOUD"? Well this release should have one. So if you haven't figured it out from the title of this release. WOMIT ANGEL hail from Finland. Now as far as the Sadopunk thing goes well yeah there's metallish punk grooves but for the most part these guys are blackened thrash. 

WOMIT ANGEL are not a new band. They started out back in 2010. Since then they've put out prior to this a bunch of demos, a couple of short form releases, a compilation album and four full lengths. And I'm just getting into them now? Fuck me running because this is some of the best stuff from the genre you'll hear today. 

So what you have here is a band pumping out, for the most part, some fuckin blistering riffs. The vocals are hellish as well as diabolical. And of course the rhythm section is a blackened force of speed to be reckoned with. The guitarist will toss in a dive bomb solo once in a while that will leave scars. 

Overall this is an amazing release. Ya know if it wasn't for bands from Europe or South America then the whole blackened thrash genre would suck. I'm from the states and for years now I've heard nothing good from my countryman. It's all generic and predictable crap all produced by the same guy. That's why this is a favorite album for me in 2022.


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