Monday, May 22, 2023

RUNEMAGICK - Beyond the Cenotaph of Mankind review


RUNEMAGICK - Beyond the Cenotaph of Mankind

Hammerheart Records

Once again Hammerheart Records breaths new life into an old band that I like. RUNEMAGICK were a damm good Swedish death doom act from the late 1990's. Actually they started out earlier in the decade but their debut full length release, The Supreme Force of Eternity, came out in 1998. The band put out three classic albums, in my not so humble opinion, on Century Media Records from 1998 to 2000. 

After that it was pretty much silence for me at least. The band kept going on releasing a handful of albums over the years on Norway's Aftermath Music. Unfortunately I was not following a long. It wasn't until 2018 when I rekindled my love for this band when I heard that year's newest one Evoked from Abysmal Sleep. Yeah the title of the album speaks volumes as well as the music. The follow up Into Desolate Realms from 2019 was decent. But now after another long wait we now have Beyond the Cenotaph of Mankind. 

What you've got here is a six song release that comes across just as dangerous sounding as the band was back in the day. But there's this thick menacing atmosphere prevailing upon everything. Mainman Nicklas Rudolfsson's (guitar & vocals) always had a death doom vision which was epic, powerful and driving. The combination of his deep diabolical vocals and driving hypnotic riffs sets you on a wild ride.   

Along for that one is bassist Emma Rudolfsson who has stuck with RUNEMAGICK since 2000. Her bass lines are magnificent on here. Next up you've got Jonas Blom who use to be on drums back in the glory days. But now is supplying guitar work which slides in like a dynamic malice. And of course Daniel Moilanen an amazing drummer for Katatonia is here. 

RUNEMAGICK in 2023 is in a word majestic. I mean here's a band that has learned the finesse of including atmospheric tech style into the old school death metal framework. They haven't moved beyond the threshold of what they know how to do best. Yes this is slow crushing death doom with a touch of groove, some cool moments that ride along and plenty of punishing vocals. I'm glad to be back with ya.


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