Friday, June 23, 2023

WORLD EATER - An Insidious Remedy review


WORLD EATER -  An Insidious Remedy 

Horror Pain Gore Death Productions

So here we have a death metal band who hail from my birthplace, New Jersey. Along with being born there I spent my first thirteen years of life in that state. I was also the only 11 year old kid in school in 1974 who listened to BLACK SABBATH as well as some other heavy hard fuckin rock bands from back then. 

Be that as it may I'm always willing to give some love to a Jersey band as long as their good. So this is the debut full length by WORLD EATER who are a five piece act. To be honest it took a few listens to appreciate this band. Nothing against them of course. Of late I've just been bored with a lot of newer releases this year. So I've been listening to plenty of older stuff. 

But the second time I played this the band's music got a hold of me and of course by the third time it won me over. WORLD EATER (by the way great band name) are obviously old school death metal influenced to the hilt. They're not going to rip your face off or drag you down into the basement for the torture treatment. Basically this band has put together an album that's good.

Let me put it in context some of you readers might understand better. So you go to the club to see a show. You're there for the headliner but the opener, or second band on the bill, sounds kinda cool. By the end of their set you're thinking yeah I'm headed to their merch table to buy a release and a fuckin t-shirt. Well that's what listening to WORLD EATER reminds me of. Trust me on that one. I've got a ton of CDs and vinyl by bands who I didn't know anything about at first. Some went on to greatness and some of did not. 


Musically WORLD EATER are all about death doom but not in the traditional New York / New Jersey DM style. This is not MORTICIAN or early INCANTATION worship. The band utilizes a crushing atmospheric of DM sound which not only envelopes but drowns you. The vocals are bear like roars of pain, agony and defiance. Add to that there some harsh blackened shrieks. There's uplifting thrash influenced melodies within the overwhelming bludgeoning of riffs. 

In the end this one is pretty cool especially for a late night having a few beers type of release. WORLD EATER are just one of those bands who remind ya of great things from the past but put forth in a modern texture with plenty of conviction. I hope they get known by more than just their local Northeast fans.


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