Wednesday, August 16, 2017

UNHOLY BAPTISM - On the Precipice of the Ancient Abyss review

UNHOLY BAPTISM - On the Precipice of the Ancient Abyss

Self Released

To quote Charles Caleb Colton, "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery". But in this band's case, sincerity in what they do is putting it lightly. UNHOLY BAPTISM are a two piece black metal act from Flagstaff, Arizona although according to them it's the "frigid northern woodlands of Arizona". Yeah well be that as it may this duo's debut full length is perfection in homage to Norwegian black metal from the early nineties. Imagine the best aspects of that metal scene all incorporated into one horrific and doomish entity. 

Over the years there's been plenty of US bands who have been influenced by Norwegian black metal. Some even copy the whole schtick in order to be taken seriously. UNHOLY BAPTISM are of a different mindset. The band, made up of Mantus (guitar, bass, drums & vocals) and Moloch (lead guitar & drums) started out in 2008. In 2010 they put out a five song self titled EP. Because of their real life constraints (aka: jobs) they put a hold onto this project for a few years before taking on the creation which is this full length.

So as I alluded to before, the eleven tracks on here are not by a band trying to copy the old sound and fury. Instead it's all in homage to their respect for that era of music. According to the band's website this is probably a one off thing as they are now writing material for their next release. I'm guessing that'll be different. Musically well I could play this for someone and say it's an old forgotten side project recording from 1992 by members of EMPEROR, DARKTHRONE and SATYRICON with Maniac on vocals. I doubt they'd believe it but then again?

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