Saturday, June 20, 2020

AMBUSH - Infidel review

AMBUSH - Infidel

High Roller Records

While years ago the states had a mainstream metal appreciation revival of new bands playing old school metal influenced by late 70's or NWOBHM. There were hundreds of bands already doing the same thing. But while they were overlooked in their own nation. They were big in Europe and it's because that genre of metal never needed a revival over there. It never went away. 

Take for example AMBUSH a fairly new band out of Sweden. They started out in 2013 and quickly made their true metal mark with their 2014 debut Firestorm. A couple of albums later and here we are with their third full length. Now the lay person will think NWOBHM and Sweden equals ENFORCER. Well AMBUSH  have a lot more going for em. 

For starters on this release the band splits hairs between their fondness for the old NWOBHM and classic power metal sounds. Yeah there is a difference. For my appreciation of such acts they have to top a few categories. First off are vocals and AMBUSH has a great one in Oskar Jacobsson. This man has a great range when it comes to highs, lows and straight up clean vocals. 

Follow that up with great chunky riffs, fluid solos as well as catchy song structures. AMBUSH has all of that plus a solid rhythm section which powers everything along. All in all this release has an infectious quality to it. A true metal fan/friend of mine has already cast AMBUSH as his favorite new band as well as this album being superb. He's right as usual, AMBUSH's Infidel is one of the best albums of 2020.

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