Friday, June 5, 2020

APOSENTO - Conjuring the New Apocalypse review

APOSENTO - Conjuring the New Apocalypse

Xtreem Music

Here's something which comes in at a perfect time for me. I deem the month of June as "Death Metal in June". Yeah it's a play on a band name so go away hipster. But something else of note, when you talk about death metal bands as a whole as far as major scenes and releases go. The great nation of Spain has been overlooked. 

Yes I'm sure there are many people out there who, during the stealing (oops, I mean free downloading) days of the internet, who will make claims of Spanish death metal knowledge. Whatever people, because the bottom line is that if you just glanced at an average list of the greatest death metal albums of all time. You won't find a Spanish band release. So yeah they've been overlooked.

Which brings us to APOSENTO, a Spanish death metal act who originally started out back in the early 90's. Yeah that's back in the heyday of death metal. The band was only around for a handful of years. Their early releases consisted of a few demos, a split release and a five song EP titled Welcome to Darkness from 1997. After that the band called it quits.

Fast forward to 2012 and the band's sole original member, guitarist Manolo Saez, decides to bring APOSENTO back from the dead. And even with filling up various line-up positions. He and the band have managed to put out an EP and two full lengths prior to this latest one. Yeah dedication and conviction is their strong suit.

After giving this one a bunch of listens I'll add attention to detail as well.  Conjuring the New Apocalypse is not just old school death metal done right. It just doesn't remind you of the revival band style which many other genre acts employ. Basically it comes across like an unearthed gem of the past. 

All the essentials of death metal enjoyment are in place. You've got a good mix of speed and death doom songs plus a few chaotic structured cuts which really stand out. Vocals are of the blast furnace throat variety. Lead guitar work is decent but not a stand out here. Oh well that's the American in me but in the end this is damm good. No let me correct that, this is perfect.

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