Saturday, September 5, 2020

ENTARTUNG - Maleficae Artes review


ENTARTUNG - Maleficae Artes

Dunkelheit Produktionen

As someone who thought he knew the goings on in the German black metal scene, I apologize. Here's a band who escaped my attention. ENTARTUNG are a three piece German BM act who've been around since 2011. What we have here is their fourth full length. 

I guess the obvious fact for me in listening to this multiple times in the late hours of the evening/early morning is that ENTARTUNG are old school black metal influenced. But not influenced by their early countryman. German black metal had a brutal sense to it, toss in some atmospheric elements once in a while and there you go. Trust me I'm not even going down the road toward the hateful stuff.

ENTARTUNG has a sound which branches out to all of Europe and draws those influences into a very cool BM perspective. Yes their abrasive German sense is there but they also allow for some peaceful Eastern European style to creep in. Add to that is some devotion to Swedish BM icy tremolo picked arrogance. And those fuckin rhythmic grooves are like a slap to the fuckin head.


Maleficae Artes is a shock to the system with it's wall of sound. There's four good long songs with a short acoustic piece in between those entities. The guitar work shatters the conscience as well as late night after work moods. The accompanying drum work assists in the onslaught. The vocals are angry screams of anguish.

In the end it's a great fuckin album. ENTARTUNG have redefined German black metal, in my not so humble opinion, with this release.


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