Thursday, September 3, 2020

WRITHING - Eternalised in Rot EP review

WRITHING - Eternalised in Rot EP

Redefining Darkness Records

The two major things I hate about this release are that you've got great cover art and the two songs here are great old school sounding death metal. Why would I hate that you ask? Because I wish this was a full length since this band is fucking incredible!

Ladies and gentlemen what we have here is an Australian band who are not following their nation's extreme metal cliche sounds. No cavernous blackened sludge or thrash tendencies. No this is straight up late 80's death metal which still excites yours truly as well as every other extreme metal music fan out there.

But it's just two heavy, violent and beat you down type songs. With howled in a cave vocals and crunchy Swede Death style rhythms. Oh yeah how could I not like it. WRITHING are a down under version of GRAVE and VOMITORY which to me is cool as fuck. I look forward to hearing a full length by em.



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